View Full Version : Worried about everything

22-06-14, 10:11
Oh my ....... I don't know where to post this but have sooo many symptoms at this moment and I am scared ...... Absolutely convinced I am going to die very soon ...... Firstly have constant pghlem in throat and my nose blocked which causing me to cough ......

I am very aware of the sound of my breathing too ....... Am also holding my tongue clenched to roof of my mouth which I think is making my throat feel drier ........ My throat feels like I cannot swallow because it is so dry because I am constantly clearing it or coughing

I feel I am not breathing properly ...... Convinced my voice sounds different because of gunky throat ...... Now shaking totally and having to really really fight the urge to run ......feel like I am buzzing - have just took my portion but am absolutely convinced there is something very major wrong with me

---------- Post added at 10:11 ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 ----------

I am so tired too ......but thinking it is some kind of cancer I have .......... Totally week too - I need help x

23-06-14, 11:05
Hi shazbog

I am no doctor but I can assure you that you are without question suffering from anxiety

I got my anxiety from absolutely nowhere 18 months ago and I think I have had every symptom in the book including difficulty in swallowing and feeling like I was choking

I called the paramedics out twice thinking I was choking and on both occasions they told me it was anxiety. Eventually that passed and I developed other symptoms as well

After trying ADs,CBT and counselling ( none of which worked for me) I came across 2 books
1) Paul David - At last a life
2) Claire Weekes - Self help for your nerves

They both take a similar approach but basically it is
Letting time pass

Its not easy and I have only been trying it for a couple of weeks but I am beginning to notice small improvements. As Claire Weekes says the anxiety will peel itself off in layers it will not go overnight and there is no magic pill

I am also trying to stop researching my symptoms on the internet although I do find this forum quite useful if used carefully

I feel for you and everyone else that suffers this as sometimes I think we are not taken seriously by the medical profession

Please take care and I wish you all the best in your recovery

23-06-14, 11:49
Medics don't always know how to deal with anxiety symptoms... many people think that people with anxiety are time wasters. We know that's not true. There isn't a great awareness about anxiety in medics and in the general population.

We can do something about that by telling medics that we have anxiety and we just want to check that these symptoms are not because of our anxiety, just in case it's something physical - it's better to be safe than sorry.

27-06-14, 13:21
yes the more you research your condition the more you feed it!. EAsy to say I know when it lives with you 24/7 month after month....
Distraction is a hugely useful tool. I drove my partner crazy by insisting we get out every weekend & do something rather than shuffle about the house. Often I would get no emotional satisfaction from going out, it was just to distract my mind. Really it helps!

Your subconscious mind is in a state of high alert which will inevitably temporarily affect your body, until your GAD starts to calm down.

30-06-14, 23:48
Thank you for the reassurance .......means a lot to know I am not alone .....the fear and symptom list is getting longer :-(