View Full Version : Help! Was doing well now sliding backwards!

nutty nic
26-05-14, 18:03

I haven't posted very much on here although have read loads of threads which have helped me a lot.

My problem is I have been suffering health anxiety /GAD since January. Took 6 weeks off work but then forced myself to go back as was becoming very depressed too. It was a struggle but taking that step, combined with CBT on the NHS and private counselling helped a lot. I was almost back to normal

However, a few weeks ago I had a sudden pain in my chest (oh oh, heart attack!) which the doctor has reassured me is to do with muscle tension in the chest wall from being anxious for so long. I don't disbelieve her and I don't want further tests as they will only make me more anxious.

I'm not thinking about it all day but once again the horrible physical effects of anxiety just won't leave me - tight chest, upset stomach, headaches and just feeling on edge and agitated the whole time.

I've really been trying to see this as just a setback (I was getting better once and I can again) but it's been nearly 4 weeks now and I'm starting to think negatively again - like it will never go. I wake up feeling bad and even Lorazepam (Ativan) doesn't calm me down.

I've tried being nice to myself but just feel so frustrated and don't know what to do. Just feel like I'm going through the motions each day instead of living.

Any tips would be gratefully received. Don't get me wrong - I know there are people having far worse problems than me and I keep trying to tell myself that but it's hard when you just feel like a prisoner of your own mind!:doh:

26-05-14, 18:58
Hi I don't have answers really but just wanted you to know you are not alone.
I've had anxiety before and always got over it but this "episode" seems worse. Been going on months now and I'm declining not improving. Never had HA before so this is a first for me and I've had all the aches and pains you can imagine. Chest pain is the worst and most frequent.
I intend just to keep on doing things to look after myself...walks in fresh air, reading, baths, music, sleep plenty, eat healthily and meditation/self hypnosis. And be positive that over time this will improve my feelings and physical symptoms.
All the best x x

26-05-14, 19:21
I went through exactly the same thing with my anxiety too. All the emotional and mental anguish symptoms went when I was doing much better but then my body had some kind of stress reaction and I had a month of feeling tired, weak, shaky and like I had some horrible illness. Then it went away. I still feel a bit light headed sometimes, but that always goes away with my relaxation tools and ignoring it. I think it's actually quite normal to go through an intense period of anxiety or stress and only feel the real effects after the stress has passed. I'm not sure why, but that's what my doctor told me. I think you'll be just fine. If it really doesn't improve, you can always go back to the doctor and they can dig deeper into what might be going on. But even so, there is an answer. I'm 100% sure you won't be stuck like that forever, hang in there :) hugs

27-05-14, 18:47
Horrible, yes, but you are not alone. I was nine years free of anxiety after a revelation moment, but now, after my husband was diagnosed ill, I have fixated on a problem with my ears/nose and became certain it was serious. It lost all proportion and developed into full time anxiety. Now, I wake up and there it is - wham. The horrible physical sensations that mean you can't rest or relax and the horrible mental hamster wheel as you try not only to get a grip, but deal with (in my case) the panic over my health worry. I'm sick of it. If there was only an off-switch. Feeling so tired and weak and yet so wired and anxious is truly unpleasant.