View Full Version : Inconclusive Ultrasound of Lump in Leg?

22-05-14, 03:40
Hi All,

I'm new here, so I apologize if this is the wrong place for this, but I am FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW.
About a week and a half ago, I noticed a largish lump right below the inside of my left knee kind of about an inch from the joint line at the very top of the calf. The lump is about 2 inches (5cm) in size, squishy, not discolored and totally painless. It really just feels like a bunch of fat.
Of course I went into full panic mode and rushed to the doctor who told me it was probably a lipoma or a Baker's Cyst (I've been doing a lot of vigorous yoga lately), and sent me for an ultrasound.
My doctor called me yesterday and informed me that the reading of the ultrasound was "unidentified soft tissue mass", and that it was probably not a lipoma or a baker' cyst, but probably nothing to worry about.
What does that even mean???
I went and spoke with another doctor last night who said the same thing and wanted me to get a second Ultrasound, but reassured me it was no big deal.
I managed to convince my doctor to schedule an MRI for me tomorrow morning (I leave for a trip to Europe on Friday). I am totally, totally freaking out, guys.
If not a baker's cyst or a lipoma, what else could it possibly be???
I have a long history of obsessive health anxiety and know I am probably overreacting, but I just have never heard of an ultrasound reading being inconclusive.

22-05-14, 10:33
I think maybe the use of the word inclusive is the problem as we know that's not good enough for someone with HA. The bottom line is that it's is a soft tissue mass that is of no significance and they don't really know exactly what it is because it is of no concern. I have had a soft tissue mass for 11 years - it is the thing that put my HA into top gear. I do not know what it is and nobody has ever been concerned. I hope this helps a little. Maybe your dragon is trying to test your resilience as you are going on a holiday to RELAX and ENJOY yourself!

22-05-14, 12:48
I've had a rather large (size of a small plumb) soft tissue mass in my lower back for over ten years. It's showed up on all the scans I've had and not one medical professional has been concerned....even my cancer team.

Positive thoughts

22-05-14, 12:57
My wife has a lump in her armpit. She had an ultrasound, and they couldn't get an image. They could feel it but not see it.

At the time I was also worried, but learned that soft tissue lumps (like a lipoma) which are totally benign don't show easily on ultrasounds all the time. This is because they are the same tissue as surrounding fat. Sinister tumors are more distinct and tend to be more obvious.

I am sure you are ok. I have had a soft tissue lipoma on my ankle for 6 yrs. No issues.

22-05-14, 20:03
Thanks for helping me to not worry, everyone. I also mailed my boyfriend's sister (who is a GP in the UK) and she also said the chances of it being awful are 1/100,00 and that I was more likely to get hit by a lorry while crossing the street in London (Thanks, sister doc, now I will be crossing the street verrrrrry nervously).
It's so frustrating how my brain just does not want to give up the obsessive terror feelings, despite so many reassurances. I had a long talk with my boyfriend last night who thinks it's time for me to seek out counseling.

11-02-17, 00:05
Hello, I wonder what your lump was. I hope all finally ok. I know the message was sent a lot time ago but I am exactly at the same stage, very worried, waiting for the gp to call me for a MRI test date. Thanks for sharing!

11-02-17, 00:31
Hi All,

I'm new here, so I apologize if this is the wrong place for this, but I am FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW.
About a week and a half ago, I noticed a largish lump right below the inside of my left knee kind of about an inch from the joint line at the very top of the calf. The lump is about 2 inches (5cm) in size, squishy, not discolored and totally painless. It really just feels like a bunch of fat.
Of course I went into full panic mode and rushed to the doctor who told me it was probably a lipoma or a Baker's Cyst (I've been doing a lot of vigorous yoga lately), and sent me for an ultrasound.
My doctor called me yesterday and informed me that the reading of the ultrasound was "unidentified soft tissue mass", and that it was probably not a lipoma or a baker' cyst, but probably nothing to worry about.
What does that even mean???
I went and spoke with another doctor last night who said the same thing and wanted me to get a second Ultrasound, but reassured me it was no big deal.
I managed to convince my doctor to schedule an MRI for me tomorrow morning (I leave for a trip to Europe on Friday). I am totally, totally freaking out, guys.
If not a baker's cyst or a lipoma, what else could it possibly be???
I have a long history of obsessive health anxiety and know I am probably overreacting, but I just have never heard of an ultrasound reading being inconclusive.

I have a lump in my thigh.
It's been there for seven years or more, and has not grown. it is the size of a small marble.
I went to the doctor about four years ago, shortly after my youngest son was born. i told him I'd first noticed the lump about three years prior.
He said, "If it was cancer, you'd be eaten up with it by now."
He declined to do any further tests. Said it was either a lipoma or an enlarged lymph node (in my LEG??).
I said, "If I was your daughter, your wife, or your sister, you wouldn't want me to have any further testing on this thing??"
And he said no.

I left it at that.
Four years AFTER my doctor visit: lump is still there, still marble-sized.
I only notice it when shaving my legs; it's in the fatty part of my thigh.
I can see it (barely) but I doubt anyone else can. I can definitely feel it, mostly when shaving, and it always gives me a twinge of anxiety.
BUT. It's been there for many years now, and has not grown.
i did the responsible thing and saw a doctor, and he said don't worry about it.
I ignore it, because i have to; now, I have no choice. i am divorced and uninsured.

It is nothing.
I believe yours is, too.
See a doctor, but if the doctor says not to worry, then don't.
It is entirely possible to live with such a thing.
I've been doing it for many years now.

Best wishes.

bin tenn
11-02-17, 04:14
This thread is nearly three years old. :-D

11-02-17, 08:04
I too have a soft tissue lump on my rib where my underwire sits iv had numerous ultrasound done its never detected but everyone can feel it iv had it four years now