View Full Version : Scared to go asleep/head pains

20-05-14, 02:13
It's past 2am and I just can't go asleep. I've been having worrying pains in my head over the past few weeks and I feel so anxious about it right now. I'm afraid of what's wrong with my head and I'm terrified to go asleep incase I don't wake up. I have to get up to go to school in 5 hours and I really need to get some sleep. My head feels stiff and when I lie on my side my temples hurt too much and I have to change to lying on my back but then the back of my head starts to throb. I have had constant headaches or pains in my temples/shooting pains at the top of my head and pain behind my ears over the last few weeks and it's really worrying me. I know it's probably just tension but I can't seem to convince myself that it's just that. I'm afraid I have a brain tumour or that I'm going to have a stroke or seizure one of these days.
Some reassurance would be greatly appreciated!

20-05-14, 02:36
Hi agadch please try to reassure yourself that anxiety can cause all these symptoms and tbh with you I'm going through the same thing as we speak only difrence is my sleepin patterns all messed up and I just happen to fall asleep when I get to that point rather than trying but when I do tryi play relaxing sounds on my iPod of a dull boring film on tv as one it distracts you and two bores me to sleep, if you feel worse in the morning call a doctor but I strongly believe this is anxiety and tension really hope you relax and get to fall asleep and if you really struggle you can always inbox me ill be awake for a while yet t.c

20-05-14, 02:59
Rollorcoastermoods, thanks for the reply, I'm quite like that myself I usually just fall asleep when I've tired myself out watching a film or a tv show but I just feel extra anxious tonight and even though I'm exhausted whenever I'm on the verge of falling asleep I just wake back up because I'm stressing myself out worrying. I'm probably going to make an appointment for the doctor tomorrow. Thanks again for the reply:)

20-05-14, 03:08
We sound like to peas from the same pod lol I get stressed at my self for not falling asleep which alerts me and wakes me up all over again lol even if you wake up feeling fine still go see the gp not because I think your have a tumour but if these symptoms come back at a later date you can relax knowing a its just anxiety it will put your mind at rest for the future, and its no problem at all mate anytime :-)

20-05-14, 03:21
You've made me feel a lot better I feel so much calmer already its amazing what a bit of reassurance can do lol thank you! (for the millionth time)

20-05-14, 04:15
If its one thing I've learned through this is no matter how it affects you talking and sharing the problem helps massively and this site is the right place for it, don't mention it glad it's helped :-)