View Full Version : Blood Results, Diabetes Type 2..?

16-05-14, 23:48
Hi everyone

I recently told my doctor that I've been going through some really bad symptoms with my anxiety, numbness being the most frightening symptom at this moment, he sent me for blood tests on Wednesday and I phoned up today for the results all normal apart from one my glucose levels are high, i asked her is it anything to worry about the nurse replied "we'd like you back in on Wednesday for another blood test but you'll need to fast so we can check for diabetes type 2" I have been afraid all day hardly touching stuff with sugar in it.... I told the nurse that it's sparked fear in me she's told me it could be because I had a cuppa tea with 2 sugars, and my weetabix with a little sugar 20 mins before the test.

I've to wait till next Wednesday for the test and i'm afraid 😨:weep:

Please if their's anyone out there that's experienced this situation or can tell me their results came back normal second time round it would be much appreciated



16-05-14, 23:55
I'm no doctor, but the rational, logical part of me is saying that cereal (which contains 4.4g sugar on 100grams of cereal) and 2 sugars (3grams each) only 20 minutes before the test is more than enough to mess up the blood test.

17-05-14, 00:15
Thanks for the reply Not Cool

I'm trying to be logical and it does make sense that my blood sugar would be high because of what I had, but still can't help but worry because the nurse asked if diabetes runs in the family and it does on my mother's side types 1 & 2, so that's looming over me :-(

Thank you btw


17-05-14, 00:16
Try not to worry too much Petesy

It could be nothing and you could be fine.

Good luck ok

17-05-14, 00:28
Thanks Nicola

I'm trying my best, and the left side of my face has this numb cold kind of feeling under my eye and cheek but I'm trying to tell myself it wasn't like that till I found out this afternoon.....

Could I have manifested this or is it because my glucose levels?

Those are the questions I'm asking myself atm

Much appreciated

Petesy :hugs:

17-05-14, 00:42
I would say it was from anxiety as you are worried about things now

17-05-14, 01:01
Yeah i'm more leanin that way because I've been tested 3 times in 6 months FBC, U&E, LFT, BONE, GLUCOSE ETC......
And they've all came back normal so it's sort a bent me out of shape hearing that, wish Wednesday was tomorrow tbh :blush:


Petesy :hugs:

17-05-14, 19:56
I had exactly the same thing a couple of years ago. When I had the fasting blood test everything was normal even though I am high risk for diabetes. The doctor told me some people can process sugars more slowly than others which affects blood results. I hope you have good news too.

17-05-14, 20:02
If they where checking for type 2 it would be raised after that much sugar but do you know your numbers as you can control type 2 with diet and weight loss if you are over weight that is.

17-05-14, 21:15
Hi, I know this i
sn't the same thing, but a number of years ago I had a blood test and they actually sent the emergency doctor to my house that night to tell me to eat something sqrt as my blood sugar was dangerously low. I think if I remember rightly it was 2 and it should have been at least 4? Anyway I had a repeat test the following day and it was back up to normal. Nothing like it has ever happened since and the Dr said that blood sugar levels vary a lot during the day.

27-05-14, 12:24
Done my fasting blood test and everything is normal NO DIABETES! :D

G.P said it's been my breakfast that's put the glucose levels up but they're bang on normal after fasting

Thanks for the support everyone

Much appreciated

Petesy :hugs: