View Full Version : Still worried about heart....

15-05-14, 18:06
Hello everyone

Last week I posted about feeling this weird gurgle sensation in my chest as well as pain in my left shoulder, left breast, left hand, and under my left armpit. I even have pain in my upper back. The pain isn't really that noticeable anymore and the gurgle doesn't come as much. But now I feel this chest cold sensation in my chest. I also have this pain in my chin and jaw area, as well as under my collarbones that come and go.
The chest cold sensation feel like when you have a cough, especially when you breathe in. But I'm not coughing that much. I unfortunately googled it and it said a heart related problem could feel like a chest cold :( so now I'm nervous...

I also get this weird sensation when I walk. It feels like every step I take my heart is going down. Im not sure if it's my heart but something in between my chest moves with steps I take. Not always but sometimes.

Any ideas?

15-05-14, 23:27
Your first mistake was google. Go see a doc and see what he/she says. More than likely its GERD or acid reflux. Or in fact the beginnings of a chest cold :-)

Chin jaw pain can be related to anxiety as can the back and shoulder. Go see a trusted physician and I'm sure you'll be just fine my dear.

15-05-14, 23:53
Hi Jenn I know exactly how you feel, I think it's the same thing that happens to me...feels like my whole body is vibrating when my heart beats.
I've also experienced the cold sensations as you described, as if you need to cough in order for it to go.away. for me it feels like the sensation you get from doing sport on a really cold day the aftermath from that.

16-05-14, 16:21
Your first mistake was google. Go see a doc and see what he/she says. More than likely its GERD or acid reflux. Or in fact the beginnings of a chest cold :-)

Chin jaw pain can be related to anxiety as can the back and shoulder. Go see a trusted physician and I'm sure you'll be just fine my dear.

Thank you for the reply Jared! I will speak to my doctor.

---------- Post added at 11:21 ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 ----------

Hi Jenn I know exactly how you feel, I think it's the same thing that happens to me...feels like my whole body is vibrating when my heart beats.
I've also experienced the cold sensations as you described, as if you need to cough in order for it to go.away. for me it feels like the sensation you get from doing sport on a really cold day the aftermath from that.

Glad I'm not the only one going through this, although I wish no one was.
You definitely hit what the cold sensation in chest feels like on point. I currently still have it, and I've also noticed that when I feel excited about something I get this twitching sensation in the centre of my chest that makes me skip a breath. I've actually felt whatever it is twitch by putting my hand on my chest. I've had this for a long time but they seem to be getting worse. They also seem to be anxiety related as I usually only get them either when I'm super excited or anxious.

Have you gone to the doctors about your symptoms, by any chance?

17-05-14, 22:21
Hi guys,

I've been doing okay lately except for right at this moment. I'm really nervous because I feel like my heart is racing. I just finished eating chicken strips and french fries and it seems like right after I was almost instantly able to feel my heart pounding in my chest and back. I also got this really anxious feeling in my stomach.

I went to lie down and have been for the last 10 minutes and my heart rate is at 92 :(and I can feel the beat in my chest

17-05-14, 22:36
Your heart rate increases after eating, especially a large meal

---------- Post added at 21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 21:34 ----------

92 is still within normal range. You really need to delete that app on your phone and stop checking. You are falling into an OCD cycle. Don't feed the dragon Jenn! I know because I've been there, many times.

24-05-14, 15:38
Thank you Rose :)

This week has been pretty good. I actually haven't checked my pulse all week :) Really don't want to get into the OCD cycle.

24-05-14, 15:43
Great job Jenn! That's excellent!!