View Full Version : I sound pathetic cough cold anxiety?

11-05-14, 19:33
This is going to sound pathetic....but my grandma died a month ago and I was close to her...it was a complete shock and im still finding it hard to deal with....

But anyway a few days after she died I got a bad cold really runny nose and sore throat....
It lasted about a week then a few days after I started to get a cough which was irritating...but it was on off for a few days....then within the last week its been a chesty, dry, tickely and mucasy...

It was worse last night just coughing through the night and today....but my nose is bunged up and sorry for tmi snotty again....but all I can think about is its tje worst....im also getting this feeling of surreal aswell.....

A part of the reason im feeling anxious about this as she was full of cold when she died
...although pm suggests heart failure.....

But its just constant worrying....and everyone seems to think im being silly if I asl or say about my symptoms. ....my grandma was a great reassurer....

Sorry for no sense and ramblings....but just any advice ir chat would be greatly appreciated.


11-05-14, 23:55
To add to this my sense of smell has gone
...can't smell a thing not even olbas oil.... worried:weep:

12-05-14, 00:10
Sorry about your Grandma :(

Sounds like a common cold to me. As they say... Stay hydrated and get some rest. take an OTC cold remedy to help alleviate some of the symptoms. Feel better soon.

Positive thoughts