View Full Version : its never gonna get better

11-05-14, 05:22
It's been five weeks since I posted here tried to keep off tried to exclude Ha Or anything to do with it from my life oh there's a laugh come to the conclusion I am never gonna get better and just have to accept a miserable outcome no matter how hard I try came off citalopram over five months after eight years as felt they no longer worked even with gradual withdrawal had shitty side effects for the last month of it.now off almost five weeks Dr tried me on duloxetine sertraline and prozac without any success.fibromyalgia pain through the roof gastritis absolutely terrible and ibs bad tried so hard to get off meds and for what can feel panic coming back physical symptoms crap don't know which way to turn what's the point in anything no matter what I do anxiety and HA always return

11-05-14, 13:49
Can anyone give me advice should I go back on citalopram or what should I do is it gonna get worse I'm scared

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

Please can anyone help me I.feel.desperate for advice I don't know.whether to goback on tablets I can't carry on feeling this crap but feel like there's not much alternative

11-05-14, 14:12
I think you ought to go back to your gp and see what they advise, you must remember that this can and will get better but you have to want it to and try, if you found the tablets helpful and your gp can't see any reasons why you can't or shouldn't go back on them then I think it's useful.
Hope you feel better soon
Hugs xxxx

11-05-14, 16:58
Thank you Jones's I remember your kindness from before and know you suffer bad from Ha it's been awful today I have done so well getting off them I was really proud of myself but my fibromyalgia is bad I'd say pain 7out of 10 all day everyday my stomach comes and goes but anx makes it worse and makes me think of bad stuff going on same with bowel I know that I'm doing some of it to myself but anx keeps popping up and today felt lower seeing gp tomorrow so can chat then and see if you need any advice I'm here I know what your HA is

11-05-14, 18:03
You're welcome. HA is so horrible, and the stress of it makes things like ibs ten times worse.
You should still be proud of yourself for what you've achieved, you're a human being and sometimes we need help and support. It's like somebody who has quit smoking for 6 months then caves and has a cigarette, they still have made a massive change and just because they had one smoke doesn't mean they should throw it all away. They just think "damnit well I did it for 6 months with one slip up, let's see how much better I can do this time"
Make any sense?

11-05-14, 18:08
Yeah it's cos I was sure they weren't working any more till I took my last one five weeks ago felt withdrawals for two and a half weeks then felt great then fibromyalgia kicked off guts worsened and Boom I'm feeling like I want to go back on maybe it's a bad day Jonesie thanks for listening to me moan hope your coping

11-05-14, 18:14
My doctor put me on tablets to take as and when. They are not working :( convinced I've got skin c still, went running to my dermatologist who was ever so kind but new mole = new worry. I'm likely to get new moles in my mid twenties but I have the "what if THIS TIME" it really us, this time always seems so much worse. Seeing my gp again Thursday. Did you originally start your medication because if the HA? Do you think your feeling worse today for a reason? Any triggers or just the withdrawal?

11-05-14, 18:26
I work at a hospital Jonesie and I've worked in dermatology I'm not a nurse but we saw lots of things and I can tell you cancerous moles in young people are fairly rare you know unless you've abused sun beds or constantly been sunburnt it's not a huge risk and you. Keep in a good eye is a good thing but you can rest assured they know what they are looking for I started on meds cos I had bad depression panic attacks and anx and came off after 8 years when I thought they no longer worked at the moment my dad whose 83 is ill with cancer and in and out of hospital although stable so I guess it's stress but I like you have cancer phobia

11-05-14, 18:35
Jonesle, " this time always seems so much worse" struck a cord. It is like "this time it's a proper lump" or " this time I REALLY have something - .....until the next time. When are we going to learn? There are probably 20,000 of the above statement within these pages. I wonder how many actually materialised into anything ... and I mean ANYTHING.

11-05-14, 18:45
Thanks tracie, I know I'm fairly low risk, only used sunbeds a few times and sunburnt a couple of times (who hasn't?). Having a family member I'll with the thing you fear the most must be difficult, and definitely worth mentioning to your gp.
Luck that's exactly how it is. This time it's a genuine weird mole, this is actual lump under the skin, this time I really do feel unwell. But it always is! It's awful but it's such an ironic type of anxiety because eventually every single person will pass away and it's not uncommon to die of something other than old age or an accident, so one day in the distant future we may be right about it, and il be annoyed that I wasted my time worrying :(

11-05-14, 18:52
Ill tell you this Jonesie my best friend of 44 passed away with a childhood cancer four years ago I've lost my Mum Mum in law several relatives and now my Dads fighting it but hun we are all terminal cos we all die one day don't we we need to stop arsing about waiting for stomach cancer melanoma or some other shit to appear and watch out for speeding cars eh cos we might live in fear like this for years only to get hit by a double Decker bus xXxX thanks for your support keep writing it helps

11-05-14, 18:57
You've experienced quite a lot, I used to think I was invincible and nothing effected me but everything we go through shapes us and our thoughts. We really ought to stop fretting that certain cancers will take over, also I think we underestimate how well we could cope. In all liklihood we will get blindsided by something else, probably something common that we never even thought about! Live every day and try doing things you enjoy more and staying in worrying less, do what makes you happy! We can beat this xxx

11-05-14, 19:30
Yes and you think it would learn me wouldn't you but I still sit about fretting and catastrophizing before I know all the facts there's nothing to say either of us will get anything bad but we don't help ourselves with stress do we love so we can't wonder how we end up in a state keep your chin up here if you need me feel better for the help take care

11-05-14, 20:37
You too tracie, a horrible mental state to be in. Deep breaths! Xxx

12-05-14, 16:18
jonesie hope you are ok went to gp today shes examined me is CERTAIN all tummy probs down to anxiety and has put me back on citalopram 1OMG to see how things go she has noted my concerns about my tummy bowel etc and is monitoring it so hope i pick up from here in hope you are ok and coping

12-05-14, 18:04
Great news tracie I hope you feel better? I am coping, have a dr appointment Thursday so she can check me over again and hopefully give me something stronger, also going to ask her to recommend me a good therapist, the nhs mental health in my area is poor but I'm going to just pay as this cannot go on! X

12-05-14, 21:10
I hope you get things sorted on Thursday people who don't have HA don't understand the he'll we go through,helps if your Gp is good and knows their stuff I will keep you posted hugs