View Full Version : Hypnotherapy - suggestion please?

08-05-14, 07:57
Hi guys, I guess I'll start from the beginning. This will be a bit long, but please bear with me.

I've always been a worrier since forever, however it's not until 4 years ago after my dad died all of a sudden that it triggered my HA (and anxiety in general) into overdrive. Now I tend to think of the worst case scenario every time and I'm living my life like I'm just waiting for myself to die. I'm tired living like this, I know my family and friends are already fed up with me, so I don't talk about them about this anymore. It's depressing because I feel like I don't have any mental support to get through this disorder. I'm very grateful to have found this forum :flowers:

On one of my trip to my dermatologist, who was so very sweet and friendly, about condition that's caused by my stressful life, we had a chat. I talked to her about my fears and she referred me to this psychologist in the same hospital who could do hypnotherapy. She said it's usually working for dealing with phobias, and she suggested I try visiting her.

Well, I did. She was pleasant enough, and I managed to talk to her about lots of things, not just my HA. I'm a walking ball of issues, I guess. Then she explained about hypnotherapy and... it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. I didn't really know for sure what I was hoping for, but it's certainly not being 'hypnotized' for lack of a better word. Trying to find the pivotal moment that changed everything to me. Going back in time, finding the younger me and telling her that I'm a changed person now etc etc.

It sounds so ridiculous, I have to say. It's something I WATCH on TV shows when a victim can't remember a murder, when they blank out their teenage years because of a traumatizing event. It's not stupid when I see it on TV - of course they're acting- but knowing that I have to do that... I don't really know how I feel. Basically I feel a bit stupid.

Then there's the fact that I have to TOTALLY let go, and blurt out stuff to this person I barely know. The idea is a bit unsettling. Hearing about the process, it seemed like we're trying to perform some exorcism. In a way, we are trying to get rid of the bad seeds, but still.

So now I'm confused if I have to go through with it or not. I was told the process would take 3 hours/session.

Anybody wants to share their thoughts? Sorry for such a long message, but I'm just so confused. If it can help me then I'm willing to try, but. Yeah D:

08-05-14, 11:59
I've never had hypnotherapy.. But it sounds like its worth a try. I sometimes find talking to people I don't know about problems is actually more helpful than talking to someone I know. They can give you a level-headed answer...

08-05-14, 17:46
I don't mind talking with the psychologist. Like you, it does feel easier sometimes. It's just that with this session we're going to _dig_ into the core of my issues and that could lead me to confess stuff I don't even know! That's some scary stuff :/

08-05-14, 20:52
I've had hypnotherapy twice, with two different therapists. The first one was a course of about six sessions and the aim was to find the 'trigger' that made me that way. When I came to the end of the course, I found I hadn't identified it and I didn't feel much further along with my anxiety. As I have had anxiety since as long as I can remember, I don't really feel that there was a specific trigger for me; this is just how I am made up. I felt like the therapist was kind of disappointed that we didn't come up with one particular event that made me the way I am.
The second time I went it was much more recently. This time the hypnotherapist was not concerned about finding one particular event that triggered me, he was more interested in re-programmming my anxious thoughts. I found the sessions amazing, really relaxing and really helpful in reducing my anxiety. However I found that the anxiety did creep back in again. He taught me a technique called Emotional freedom technique which I also found helped a lot, and I now use self hypnosis almost every day. I've had a lot of therapy and for me, self hypnosis, relaxation and guided meditation are absolutley the most helpful methods that I've found. I would say go for it but don't necessarily expect a cure, maybe just a better understanding of yourself.

09-05-14, 16:43
Thanks for the reply, Cattia. It's great to hear first hand experience. I'm glad that the hypnotherapy combined with the relaxation and meditation help you! I guess I'm going to see the psychologist first and talk some more with her, at least make myself more comfortable with her before I have the hypnotherapy session. She did mention that each 'issue' can take up to 4-6 sessions, so it's similar like yours, I guess. Was it emotionally taxing when it took place?