View Full Version : new here-not new to anxiety/depression

04-05-14, 10:25
I've had anxiety/depression for about 25 years now. It began when i was 17 and had a daughter who died at 2 days old, and a few other horrible things. I now have 6 children, 2 adult, 4 still at home. Last year my 13yr old daughter, now 14, was diagnosed with leukemia and in January of this year had a bone marrow transplant. Me being me I tried to cope with her illness on my own. Hardly spoke about it to my husband because he was always wrong. I shunned all offers of help/counselling etc. I tried to carry on as normal as though she had a cold or something. Not accepting the severity of her illness! What a fool I was. This was because i thought " normal " people cope without help and so can I. Anyway, finally agreed to meet a Macmillan nurse this Tuesday and realized it's not because i'm weak, it's because we all need help at some time in our life. I've also been on 20mg citalopram for 7 years but upped them to 30mg last Thursday. I'm here in the hope of a little extra help from like minded people who wont tell me " you just have to get on with it ". So sick of hearing this! My anxiety has increased 10 fold and all of my phobias, social, illness,death surround me 24/7. My daughter is doing really well and is nearly back to 100% health but i'm finding i'm going back into myself. Headaches are either a brain tumor or the beginning of a stroke, heart flutters when i have to go anywhere and getting out of bed is the biggest chore ever!!

04-05-14, 11:40
i hope things get better for you and your daughter!

04-05-14, 12:21
Thank you for the welcome eve22 :)

04-05-14, 17:18
No prob, message me anytime!

05-05-14, 01:43
oh gosh :/ I cant say that I understand your situation or what you are going through but thinking of you and your family. Cant believe people would tell you to just get on with it either, thats insensitive :/. You have been through alot it sounds I imagine you are alot stronger than your anxiety/depression lets you believe
(hope this doesnt come across as patronizing - really not how i want to sound ofc) x

Worried 24/7
05-05-14, 04:58
I have two going children and I couldn't even imagine going through what you've been through. You take all the time you need to work back to where you need to be. No one has the right to rush you. Obviously something like that is going to have quite an impact on you. I hope you can find the strength you need to conquer your hardships

05-05-14, 06:01
I can't imagine what it would be like to struggle with anxiety and also be a parent. I really admire that strength.

Getting out of bed is my biggest challenge most days. I put the radio on to help, dancing out of bed is more appealing lol x

05-05-14, 12:09
Thanx for the replys :)
The strange thing is that while my daughter was really ill we'd spend weeks at a time in hospital together and my anxiety/depression seemed to subside a little. I think it was because I didn't really dwell or focus on what might be happening inside myself as I was so concerned with my daughter. Since we've been at home all of it came rushing back! It was like being hit by a train!! I'm really glad I found this site. I no longer feel as though i'm alone or like some sort of embarrassment because i'm different to the rest of my family and, ever dwindling, friends. Looking forward to taking this journey with you all :hugs: xx

05-05-14, 12:18
Getting There, welcome to NMP. You've been through a lot of very difficult times and anxiety is a very normal reaction to all of that. You will find many like minded people on here that will be supportive.
Know that there is help for your situation, just as there was help for your daughter's illness. Find some people on here that you can relate to and learn about the processes for recovery. Good luck to you and your daughter.

05-05-14, 14:07
Thank you so much Tanner40 :)