View Full Version : I'm back :( damn heart

29-04-14, 14:23

The heart worries have come back full force this morning, I woke up and my chest felt tight and my heart was racing for the first time in a few weeks and boom full on panic attack, think I'm dying or going to die soon the whole nine yards. probably doesn't help that the one year anniversary of my father in laws death is this week. The only obstacle this f'n anxiety still throws at me is my heart and how scared I am something is wrong with it.

03-05-14, 23:15

The heart worries have come back full force this morning, I woke up and my chest felt tight and my heart was racing for the first time in a few weeks and boom full on panic attack, think I'm dying or going to die soon the whole nine yards. probably doesn't help that the one year anniversary of my father in laws death is this week. The only obstacle this f'n anxiety still throws at me is my heart and how scared I am something is wrong with it.

Well it wont help with it being your farther in laws anniversary this wil have an effect on you and cause anxiety and awfull symptoms ,what you need to tell yourself is how many tiimes has it happened to you and you are still here I get this all the time and yeah its very unpleasant but I no its due to anxiety and it wont harm me try and accept and believe love xx

04-05-14, 05:12
Scrum... still... you're making progress... notice you now call them "heart worries" now... And you recognize it's "f'n anxiety" and not a life threatening illness. I'm sure your mind races and such but it's light years ahead of the irrationality of a few months ago. I don't know what you're doing but keep on doing it!

Positive thoughts