View Full Version : new here, struggling with health anxiety :-(

13-04-14, 22:02
Hello everyone, I'm new here today, i need to know I'm not on my own here or infact going crazy :-( I'm married with 2 sons who are 8 and 19 months, it ask started after my second son was born, 7 days after i had him my eldest son got run over, he was ok but badly hurt his foot and was in a wheel chair for 8 Weeks, during that time i started having panic episodes about my own health on who would take care of my kids if i was to die.... I feel my hubby would not cope so well. I then started getting pains in my legs n cried for hrs that it was blood clots, ive developed a condition called oral lichen planus due to my immune system being so low... I feel bad all the time, I've had symptoms for every type of camcer going, i quitsmoking, drinking, going out.. I work 16 hrs n love it. I've recently been to the doctors for the millionth time n he did all the blood tests he could possibly do, kidney function, liver function, fbc, everything n all came back fine... I had swabs took to check i had no sti, all clear..... I keep getting groin pain, n dull aches in the sides of my breast n now I've convinced myself i have cervical cancer... I'm beside myself!.. I'm of to the doctors tomorrow but i think i need to mention my anxiety levels are extreme. I cry, I'm Moody.. N i have everything to be happy about and I'm ruining it all. Anyone fancy givin me some pearls of wisdom and making me realise I'm not crazy :-( x

13-04-14, 22:31
You are not alone, nearly all of us having something that triggers off are HA. I'm like you married got kids good job etc. But for 7 years I have worried about my health. First it was going away from home and thinking I would have a heart attack, now its got to the stage where every sniffle I get I panic. Now seeking help and trying citraphlam.
Anxiety triggers of every symptom going. You are not mad its life stress overload
Take care and hope you find this site helpfull

13-04-14, 22:31
You are not crazy! I can only advise that you go to the doctors if it will put your mind at ease but the thing is...anxiety does all the things you're mentioning. I was convinced I had MS as I had numb arms, tingling feet, tingling hands.....it was anxiety.... and since being treated for my anxiety...I have no physical symptoms anymore. Anxiety is a rotten thing... :( xx

13-04-14, 22:44
Thank you x yeah I'm gonna go the doctors tomorrow n explain how i feel, he has asked me before if i would like to talk to a counsellor but i said no.. Ive already been seeing a lady myself n i have Indian head massage and reflexology for relaxation, but i think maybe i should talk to someone to.. I'm just scared to leave my kids young and without a mom :-( it makes me so sad to think about, but I feel ill n i suspect i have nothing wrong with me.. X

14-04-14, 08:51
Hi I'm new here but have been looking at the sight
For a long time I have been experiencing
Aching all over my body for about 6 mts
Has any one else had this I am 53 & worrying
About this iv been to drs but he said its age
Would be grateful if any one else has experienced
This x