View Full Version : First school run in 7 weeks!

08-04-14, 09:06
Hi! Just wanted to share my brave task of the most stressful moment of the day... The school run!

Parking, circumnagivating through crowds, children with balls and the tendancy to stop in mid step, other parents rushing and pushing ahead. Yes, I did it. Kept my head low and ploughed silently through like a gazelle.

Now I'm home, I'm shattered. A shaking wreck. But proud. I've rewarded myself with some sit down time. Bliss!

Hope you all have a great day!

CC x

08-04-14, 09:58
Nice one, CC ! :yesyes:
The school run is incredibly stressful when you're feeling anxious already. I can remember it well, taking my daughter on shaky, jelly legs and praying that no-one would want to stop and chat just so I could hurry back home.
Enjoy your sitdown time - you did it !
L x

08-04-14, 10:17
Cheers L! :hugs:x

08-04-14, 18:02
How was it this afternoon ?


08-04-14, 19:19
UNBELIVEABLE I was only chatting today at baby/toddler group, about my bought of agrophobia a few years back when I first joined NMP! Never suffered Pre 2011! Soooo I'm sure you can imagine with 2 kids the school run was a MAJOR issue for me. My heart would start racing an entire hour before I would collect & first thing in a morning I'd be a depersonalised wreck.

For 3 years I've not come across anyone on here with this specific issue. Bloody awful but I can assure you and I had a breakdown, acute PA & the agrophobia thrown in for good measure that, you will go from strength to strength. U will have blips but you did it this morning & U will do it again!

I couldn't even get out of my car and my daughter had to walk to me from Y4 8-9 yr old.
Now my son has started school up the road & although it's close, I walk all the way & back.


08-04-14, 20:25
Well done CC. Having something you're dreading hanging over you can be pretty soul destroying but you always feel fantastic when it's done.
Makes you wanna do more !

09-04-14, 01:49
We'll done ChilliChocolate! You are not alone! I don't like school runs. I worry all day about it. I also have to take different routes every day because some of them remind me of a time when I had a panic attack and that sets me off.
My problem is getting to school but once I'm there I'm distracted chatting to others mums which makes it go as quick as it came.
I have got a few strategies to keep my mind busy and not pay attention to my thoughts;
1) Count back in twos from1000 to 0
2) Sing out loud to some of your favourite tunes
3) Take 3 deep breaths and return your normal breathing. Notice the air going in and out, notice the difference in temperature when it goes in and out.
4) Remember to reframe your negative thoughts into good ones. I do this out loud as it helps me to keep it real.
You may need to practice 3 and 4 but it gets easier the more you do it.
Anyway, I hope I have helped a little bit. And remember you are not alone! Keep it going!

09-04-14, 11:49
Thanks guys! The encouragement and thoughts are truly appreciated. :D

Yesterday was a huge day for me so I was in bed for 19:30; then awake for 02:00! Ugh! I'd like to share it but not sure where to put it. Sometimes I find the forum a touch overwhelming as my cognitions and bearings aren't on fine form at the moment.

But - yes - I did the school run again this morning and WILL continue on to do it. This was the trigger of my first panic attacks. I'm going to face this head on. Its comforting to know that others have felt like this.

CC x