View Full Version : Is this normal? I can't do this anymore!!

05-04-14, 01:49
Hi guys!!

I'm on day 16 of cipralex, day 9 of 10 mg! While I do have some relief from my panics attacks and anxiety, recently, over the past 3 days I've become heavily depressed and anxious. I'm constantly questioning life and not seeing the joy or point of living. My mind is distressed and my panic is rocketing. I feel like vomiting, and my heart is racing. I can't get relief from these feelings and my thoughts are overwhelming and scary. I battle to sleep, and quite frankly I feel like crying. I have no idea of what to do, as I thought I was getting better! What should I do? Any advice ?? I just can't anymore!!


05-04-14, 02:27
It sounds like you are suffering from the side effects, you havent been on them long.

They tend to say they can last 3-4 weeks for SSRI/SNRIs but they affect everyone differentlhly so some people have less or more time of SEs and intensity.

I wouod suggest seeing how it changes in after week 4. If it gets too much, speak to your GP because some people need to change to other types.

Try and hang in there. I know its hard, I struggled terribly going onto Citalopram the first time and Duloxetine the second time.

Dont be surprised early on if you have a few better days only to sink into a bad period. This is the side effects when you have just started taking them.

Try relaxation techniques for now such as calming technique and progressive muscle relaxation , progress to things like Mindfulness meditation after the side effects have stopped.

At the start, the depression can be bad. If you can, do things that take a lot of focus or you enjoy. If the SEs mean this cant be done right now, dont worry as it will get easy as the SEs fade.

05-04-14, 08:14
Mnit is right. Eventually you should find there will be more good moments than bad and then more whole good days, with the occassional bad one here and there. Hang on in there. X

05-04-14, 08:44
Hi gabriel
Yes it is normal to feel like this sometimes....but it can be part of the start up side effects. Try and stick with it. Remember feeling depressed is just a thought/feeling. Tell yourself this will pass cos it will, and you will start to feel better.
Take care
Annip x

05-04-14, 12:59
Gabriel, I'm now on week four of citalopram. In the last week I've finally been getting better days. Mornings were always the worst. The feelings you describe are just as I experienced. From where you are it looks bleak. But hold on. Keep going with the meds. I had to will myself to do things to distract me from the bad place. Going for walks, cleaning the shower, listening to the radio, listening to Audiobooks. It is not easy. Stay in touch with the people here: it helps.

07-04-14, 08:59
Yes I sometimes am determined and I try and think of other things. Singing loudly, making silly noises, looking in the mirror and practicing different faces especially smily ones. Change your activities and talk to yourself about what you are doing. keep a journal of how you feel but focus more on the better bits.
praise yourself even for the smallest victories that you have. At 1 time mine was just getting out of bed, brushing my hair, cleaning my teeth etc...don't think I should be doing things. Accept where you are at this moment in time and hold on to the fat that it will get better.
Annip x