View Full Version : in meltdown, why are things going so wrong?

24-03-14, 23:44
Argh I am so frustrated.

Everytime I feel like I am getting somewhere it all comes crashing down. I Have battled with a severe brain aneurysm fear since last summer. I was finally coming to terms with it and boom I've just had a shooting pain go through my eye to my head that made me jump.

This has brought every fear I had over an aneurysm flooding back and I'm having a mini-meltdosn over the fear.

Why is it every time I feel like I'm winning this happens. It feels like this is battle I will never win, and I will live in fear for the rest of my life. So gutted tonight :(

25-03-14, 00:01
It's a battle you can win!

Everyone feels hopeless at times but it passes. The best thing you can give yourself is time, if you try to rush and force the feelings away, it usually has the opposite effect in my experience.

I feel like you do when I get a palpitation, just say to yourself the pain came and it went and I'm still here, it's all good. I'm good! You just had a nasty shock, it's normal to feel the way you are right now after a shock. Tomorrow you'll start to feel a bit better and the day after that, hopefully, even more better!

Don't get yourself down about it, everyone experiences blips. It doesn't mean you're going to have such high anxiety the rest of your life.

Hope you feel better soon x

25-03-14, 00:12
Thankyou :)
I just know until I gey medical proof (which is never) that its going to be a massive hanging cloud over my head.

Fear of an aenyursm crippled me to a point I couldn't leave the house. I have previously researched the symptoms extensively that suffering any of them causes me to break out in a cold sweat.

Tonight I am sobbing myself to sleep. I just wish I could be put out the misery that is my life and be allowed a scan because waiting to die is torturous :(