View Full Version : I need to talk to someone

24-03-14, 07:23
Morning All
I'm in a right mess, an really need to talk to someone I'm so scared :( :( :(
Plz can anyone help me!! X

24-03-14, 07:25
Scared about what ?

24-03-14, 07:27
Hi dave
All my symptoms an how unwell I am I've been awake 20 mins an I m sat crying with fear I'm so scared an scared to do anything about it! X

24-03-14, 07:31
Go to the doctors:)

24-03-14, 07:32
Can't your partner calm you down ? I'd go on YouTube and listen to some really uplifting music it works everytime for me without fail , try it for yourself. There is nothing to fear because fear is just a symptom the mind has made up...

24-03-14, 07:34
I do wanna go I just have so many things wrong I'm scared to tell them, I know its stupid but I just cnt help feeling this way, I'm mad at myself :( x

---------- Post added at 07:34 ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 ----------

Thanks Dave I will try an no he's asleep he's spent most of the night awake with me as I haven't been good, this is affecting my family how bad I am an I hate it, I've only been like this for a few months an my whole life has been turned upside down, I'm a mess x

24-03-14, 07:36
The doctors will understand because they are trained for these situations. It's hard at first but you feel so much better have you ever been diagnosed with mental health issues ?

24-03-14, 07:38
I feel so bad goin on about it guys, sorry! I jus dnt know what to do to ease this, I know I should go to my gp but I'm scared, my fear is that I have something terrible an I keep getting infections which cruely supports my thoughts! I just cnt take anymore I want my life back :( x

24-03-14, 07:40
Anxiety lowers the immune system. Write down everything that's wrong and go to the doctors:)

24-03-14, 07:42
They've said I'm suffering from Health Anxiety an depression, but I cnt take the meds Dave, I'm petrified I dod take citalopram for a week but my side affects were so bad I stoppped they've now prescribed sertraline an I cnt take them! I do take 2mg of diazepam if I get bad but won't atm because I'm taking paracetamol an ibrufoen for a water infection and infection in my gum, I'm to scared to go an get antibiotics plus I think I have a hernia, and too scared to tell them about that! I'm still waiting for my appointment for CBT but it won't be for 8 weeks they said! I'm scared Dave x

24-03-14, 07:43
You come across as a bit mentally unstable to me , i'm not being rude , maybe you should try to relax a bit more. I get the impression you don't follow advice because maybe one minute you think there's nothing wrong with you then next you're falling apart , am I wrong ? I don't mean to get personal but something could not be right in your personal life such as relationship , job etc so you've created this as to avoid facing up to the problems. I'm sorry if that's harsh but i'm not meaning to be rude

24-03-14, 07:44
Thanks Phuzella
I didn't know that! And yes I will I instantly feel reassured knowing that anxiety may be the cause, I really didn't know it lowered our immune
I have felt dreadful for 3 months an it just gets worse x

24-03-14, 07:47
Yes it eats up your vitamin reserves, anxiety makes you feel like not eating, hence less vitamins intake, vicious circle. Honest go see the doc, have a chat:)

24-03-14, 07:49
Its ok Dave I do feel like that your right, I've had a very traumatic couple of yrs, divorce moving 200 miles away from home, my mum had 2 ruptured brain aneurysms in november who is still with me but had to be rescusitated in the back of the ambulance an I was there, then I hurt my back an got sciatica an spent xmas an new year in bed an then in the begining of january I found out my 16 year old daughter had a abortion whilst I was up noth seeing to my mum in hospital, an from january I've been hit hard with this, rapid heartbeat, chest pain shortness of breath etc etc I feel so poorly :( you haven't offended me atall dave I appreciate peoples words it helps me ty x

24-03-14, 07:50
Just saw the hernia bit, even if you have got one, they're fixable:) What makes you think you have one?

24-03-14, 07:54
So you live up north ? I'd be in a wreck too if I lived up north lol only joking. When I was young I used to think I had everything wrong with me I haven't grown out of it though I've just come to accept that if something goes wrong , so be it. Anxiety and worry are this countries number one problem now it's unbelievable

24-03-14, 07:58
It's the society we live in Dave, unfortunately:)

24-03-14, 08:03
Haha no I am northern, a scouser but I live in surrey now lol thanks guys I feel a little bit better than before an maybe I should just make the appointment an see my gp an explain everything, the trouble is now the appointment legnth a 2 min appt is pathetic really x

24-03-14, 08:04
Take a list of the problems and refer to it:)

24-03-14, 08:05
Oh right. God help you I hate surrey too many chavs lol

24-03-14, 08:13
It is full of chavs your right Dave, an I will write a list an take it with me thanks, I am a true northerner dave but I love living down south :) x

24-03-14, 08:16
What part of surrey ? Good luck

24-03-14, 08:20
I've made my appointment guys 12.05 today :(

---------- Post added at 08:20 ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 ----------

Near chetsey Dave

24-03-14, 08:21
Yay well done:)
Pay attention to what they're saying, anything you don't understand, ASK QUESTIONS lol

24-03-14, 08:26
Thanks Phuzella, I feel better knowing anxiety can lower our immune which could be why I've been so unwelln I know we get physical symptoms wirh anxiety but wasn't aware it did that u have eased my mind thankyou so much x

---------- Post added at 08:26 ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 ----------

Are you both southerners? I love it down here although I miss the relaxed attitude of home x

24-03-14, 08:27
I'm in the middle, Northampton lol

24-03-14, 08:27
Will do phuzella xx

24-03-14, 08:29
Well done. I'm a southerner yes but like you I hate our attitude towards life it's all work and no play it's no wonder we have an epidemic of anxiety , it's crazy.

24-03-14, 08:32
One more thing the sun is good for immune system, vitamin D. Read up on safe sun exposure:shades:

24-03-14, 08:46
Yes dave its so fast down here, and I've just read that phuzella, so much I need to learn about anxiety, maybe I should take supplements too when I come back from my appointment I'm gonna sit out in my garden and do some planting I think :) xxx

---------- Post added at 08:46 ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 ----------

Whereabouts down south dave? A good thing about the south is the weather is slightly warmer :)

24-03-14, 08:49
I think the climate changes when you get as far north as Leicester lol.
Sun and gardening perfect therapy:)

24-03-14, 08:57
Ha ha yeah that's about right hahaha thanks for the help this morning I'm sure I'll be back later, I hope you have a good day anyway x

24-03-14, 08:59
You too, today is your day to start feeling better, and other mushy stuff:D:D

24-03-14, 09:01
I'm in sutton it's sort of near kingston. Weather is warmer I suppose but we're still in england so it don't last long lol

24-03-14, 09:09
Hey guys sorry for venting my rollercoaster of problems but I feel rough again all of a sudden I just feel like I cnt catch my breath, like I can't get enough breath in, an I have that restricted feeling around my neck :( oh damn its horrid an my hearts racin :( :( :(

---------- Post added at 09:09 ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 ----------


24-03-14, 09:16
You sure your hubby ain't up yet ? Lol

24-03-14, 09:19
Yeah he's up an nipped out, :(

24-03-14, 09:21
I think sometimes looking through all the threads on here don't help because after a while it becomes a trigger for our own anxiety that's why I avoid doing it , I try anyway. I've often looked at threads then thought 'omg i've go that' so my anxiety kicks off big time because we're all sharing problems let's face it there's bound to be negative energy within this group

24-03-14, 15:26
How did the docs go?

24-03-14, 20:26
With you on your last comment there Dave. I've learnt things on here I never even knew about!

How are you today Paula? X

24-03-14, 21:03
Hi guys, well I went the doctors an it went okay-ish I'm having blood tests on the 4th april and have a appt on the 11th for results then I have a appt for the 15th for some lung test, its all really for peace of mind she said my hb an bp was fine an that I have a slight water infection but hasn't given me antibiotics, I do have a appt for wenedsay at the dentist as I do have a infection in my gum, the gp said its all down to my anxiety an that in return the infection feeds my anxiety so I'm going round in circles at the min, later this afternoon I was terrible an my hb spiked quite high an breathing has been terrible since so I've had to use diazepam and get the paper bag out lol, god the things we go through! I wouldn't wish anxiety disorder on anyone! Thanks for asking guys its good to know your all there when I'm down sending u all virtual hugs xxxx

24-03-14, 21:09
Oh Paula so sorry you're having such a rough time but your gp sounds to be on the ball and has reassured you well

24-03-14, 21:19