View Full Version : nervouse and feel sick

07-03-14, 10:50
well woke up this morning feeling good [recently i have felt a bit better] got my kids up then my mum went to a bootsale [im with my mum at the moment] i was exited and shouted up to the kids that we,ve got the house to our selves and come down & get ready for school. as soon as i said all that i was nervouse to the pitt of my stomach and tried to ignore it.[i think it,s because i realized i was home alone and don,t like being on my own at the best of times thats why i haven,t stuck 2 council houses out] so i had a few biscuits dipped in a cup of tea and not long after it i felt sickish wich in turn made me anxious.[sometimes when i feel sick i get anxious] and so since then i,ve been anxious,feeling sickish and i wouldn,t say light headed but a kind of a light feeling/sensation in my head which in-turn makes me a bit scared too. so i can,t win. so i,ve been on & off like this since 7:30am to now. i keep worrying im going to faint & picture things. [can i just say that i only started feeling sickish after eating biscuits but why do i still feel sickish ?:doh:

07-03-14, 13:08
Going on my personal experience one of the first symptoms I experience, when I'm anxious or when I'm starting a panic attack, is nausea. I have a fear of vomitting so this increases my anxiety and panic and makes the nausea worse.

From what you've put it could be panic or maybe the biscuits were a bit too sweet and caused the nausea. Hope you're feeling better

07-03-14, 13:44
thank you bernie. i feel a bit better thank you. see how i am later.