View Full Version : Wow ! I'm so glad to have come across this website

03-03-14, 00:56
I'm from Pennsylvania and have been diagnosed with anxiety/depression. I am married, 44 yrs old, mom to two teenage boys. I started taking Zoloft when they were younger and it was a godsend. I used to feel like I constantly had butterflies in my stomach and an elephant on my chest. That's gone thanks to the med. But I still have my worries and fears, being a worrier seems to run in our family! I always think the worst, hoping this website will help! Thanks!:)

03-03-14, 01:11
Welcome to NMP, Mareca :)

Innocent Bystander
03-03-14, 12:45
I'm new to the site too:) I hope you find the support and advice you're looking for! I look forward to reading posts re. your progress x