View Full Version : Dont trust myself enough to control my own actions!

26-02-14, 23:22
Hi everyone
I am going through a rough period at the moment where I basically just don't trust myself to control my own body. Like with my post about the laughing anxiety I just don't feel like I am in the right frame of mind to control my own body. I keep having thoughts about making myself do stuff for example right this second I am absolutely terrified im going to laugh. I dont mean laugh because somethings funny but just burst into uncontrollable 'crazy' laughter that i cant stop. It just scares me so much how much control we have over our own bodies. The fact that I could consciously choose to laugh right now scares me! I just dont feel responsible enough to control my own body. The fact that I feel like i might laugh right now is reallly scaring me so much that my legs are shaking which is a sign of my anxiety getting bad :( I am terrfied that I am going mad or losing control over myself. I t just feels like I need someone else to take the wheel as it where.n I dont know if this has anything to do with my age I mean at 16 this is the time you have to start taking life into your own hands. Do you think it could stem from that - not wanting the responsibility? Thanks, Pansa x

27-02-14, 00:32
My recollection of being 16 was pretty much a free for all ~lol~ I was getting my drivers permit and learning how to drive. Looking forward to getting my license and freedom ;) Partying like a madman, making out with the girls and living the good life. I didn't have a care in the world! Damn I miss that! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

27-02-14, 01:24
The very fact that you are concerned you are going mad is bizarrely the very answer you aren't. I totally understand the feeling anxiety is weird for making you feel like you will act out of contr. But the question is that you were able to control it. It is a fallacy that you were unable to control it. If you are worried about underlying issues see a counsellor and chat it out. X

27-02-14, 01:40
Pansa, you're fine I promise. I think everyone goes through similar thought processes at your sort of age, try not to obsess on it. You're certainly not going mad!

27-02-14, 19:04
Thank you guys :) i have noticed this fear gets worse at night earlier i felt much better but bad again now! x

27-02-14, 19:28
I dont think its just a age thing ,I also had a spell of this on and off and im only little bit older than you lol

27-02-14, 19:34
when you say had do you mean you dont anymore? x

27-02-14, 19:34
Just say to yourself "I am not mad i am not crazy" that's what i do,I do a similar thing i have to stop myself from shouting gets so difficult sometimes i have to put my head under the pillow.If you just take your mind of it its hard but it does work.You are a normal person your fine :)

27-02-14, 19:44
when you say had do you mean you dont anymore? x

I havent had this for awhile im sure it will pass try not to worry xx

27-02-14, 19:57
Yeah DexterJames I get that in class I feel like I have to restrain myself from shotuing out even though I dont want to! Thank you MRS STRESS ED :) I hope so x

27-02-14, 22:29
It's a common feeling. It's just because you are stressed and anxious. I reckon everyone on here has thought, "I'm going crazy" at some point. But as mentioned, people who are 'crazy' don't wonder about whether they are or not. It is more that we are worrying that we can't think rationally and worry that we can't control ourselves. Don't worry about it, it will pass.