View Full Version : Health ANXIETY

22-02-14, 15:51
I am Tara. I originally posted this "Introduce Yourself", but thought I would post here too. I just got done reading the information on Health Anxiety and am literally crying because I feel like I have finally found answers! I could see myself in everything that it said and the explanation on why was on point.

I am 36 years and until a few months was happily living life until I got a severe sinus infection that would not go away. I had it for 3 months and was on several different antibiotics that never worked. I immediately started to worry about my health, could it be a tumor, could I have a brain infection, etc. I had my first ever full blown panic attack in November that landed me in the ER. Several tests later my heart, thyroid, blood work were all normal. CT scan which did diagnose me with PAN sinusitis, but it is cleared up now. However, since then it has been a roller coaster ride and I have felt miserable ever since. Daily I have some sort of symptoms that last for hours palpitations, neck pain, strangle feeling, shoulder and chest pain. Of course, I think that I have meningitis, or there is something wrong with my carotid artery, or throat cancer!!! I have been to several doctors and they all say panic/anxiety disorder and want to put me on meds. I have been in denial about panic/anxiety disorder because I feel like I am an intelligent, strong, and happy person and for me to have anxiety does not make sense to me. I mean why did I not have panic attacks when I went through my divorce 13 years ago and was a single mom living pay check to pay check, or when my mom was diagnosed with cancer??? That was stressful! I mean why NOW? I am happily married, have a wonderful daughter and a good job, my life is good. Therefore I doubt my doctors and believe they are missing something very important and we are wasting valuable time!!! I am also scared to go on meds because I am afraid that I could get the most horrible side effects that they warn you about!!! lol

But, right now, I am trying to face the fact that I do have an anxiety disorder! My name is Tara and I have Health Anxiety! lol Just saying it already feels like a weight has been lifted. Reading this site makes me feel normal. Because I have a lot of pride and it's hard for me to admit that I have this because I feel like it somehow makes me less than I once was. That I'm now a certified "crazy" person! Reading all of your posts and information is helping me understand that is not true and that I am not alone. Thank you so much for that!

I look forward to getting to know some of you. I need the support. I am really tired of burdening my family and friends with my health issues. I mean they are very supportive, but I want to be the fun, outgoing wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend that I once was before all this happened. My mom and daughter just told me the other day that they miss the old me, so do I! That breaks my heart!

22-02-14, 15:56
Hello :)

Welcome xxx

Isn't it a relief when you read that information and you can finally find something to relate to. I cried when I first found it, the relief was just immense, it gave me a better understanding. I'm still suffering but it's so so comforting knowing I'm not alone and not going out of my mind or losing my mind.

Hope you get some good help and advice here xxx

22-02-14, 16:21
Hi Tara,

Welcome. There are a lot of really nice people here that will lend their support. I actually don't suffer from anxiety per se' but I have a pretty good understanding of the disorder. My daughter was recently diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I too have dealt with some depression issues.

Personally, I do suffer from what I call "scanxiety". I'm a cancer survivor. I get skoped, poked and prodded every three months until April of 2015 when the chances of a recurrence go down dramatically. I never had an issue prior and I'm finding as time goes on, the physical effects of "scanxiety" are quite real. As the time approaches for my check up, I begin to get quite understandably anxious. I had my exam last week and while outwardly I'm able to manage the stress, inwardly my body is reacting no differently than anyone that suffers with anxiety. The stress led to chest pain last week which, based on my history of heart attacks, worried me quite a bit. The chest pain led me to the ER this week where I was kept overnight and tested extensively. The doctors were concerned about angina which, in my situation was a distinct possibility. Fortunately, all came back negative. My inkling all along was that it was from scanxiety but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Why do I tell you this story?... Well... you're relatively new to these feelings as am I. My knowledge of anxiety and the physiology behind it actually helped me as I never went into a spiral of consulting Dr. Google or panic. My rational side "knew" deep down what it was. I see much rationality in your post. You recognize your anxiety and accept what the doctors are telling you. That gives you a huge sword in the battle against the Dragon. This site is a great resource. Read through it. Learn about the physiology behind what you're feeling. Knowledge is power, The more knowledge you have about anxiety, the better you'll be able to rationalize the effects. With knowledge, therapy, CBT, meds or a combination thereof, you'll be able to gain the upper hand I'm sure :) That along with your desire to return to what you consider to be normalcy and the Dragon doesn't stand a chance.

Positive thoughts

22-02-14, 16:54
Congratulations on being cancer free! My mom is a currently cancer free and I completely understand the fear when scan time rolls around! Not just for her, but our whole family.

Thanks for the kind words. I like your dragon analogy! In fact I think I just have a new visual for my anxiety and when I think about it I'm going to imagine slaying the dragon! haha :D

Have a great day!

22-02-14, 17:14
Congratulations on being cancer free! My mom is a currently cancer free and I completely understand the fear when scan time rolls around! Not just for her, but our whole family.

Thanks for the kind words. I like your dragon analogy! In fact I think I just have a new visual for my anxiety and when I think about it I'm going to imagine slaying the dragon! haha :D

Have a great day!

:)... The "Dragon" is not mine... check out TooMuchTooLiveFor's thread on the Dragon... I just adopted it as it fits so well ;) She's a Dragon Slayer for sure!

Positive thoughts