View Full Version : maddening itch

23-11-06, 18:37
does anyone else get this awful itchy feeling that feels like its right inside their brain, or a sort of crawling feeling like theres ants running arround, and then get really agitated and restless because of it?
is this a normal symptom?
i have a feeling its one of those things that might go away if i could just find a way to distract myself + stop focusing on the feeling but i just dont seem to be able to do it, and it drives me mad. is this an obsessive thought and am i just imagining i feel it? or is it a real physical thing?
can anyone help?

24-11-06, 08:55
Not inside my brain, but my head gets a crawling sensation sometimes, like all my hairs are standing up on end, slowly.
It sort of tingles for a bit then itches making me think I have lice. My hubby is used to me asking him to check my head, then my poor daughters have to have their head checked too!
Possibly my hairs are standing on end as that is an anxiety thing, the response to danger, real or imagined.
Don't know if this is any help.

30-11-06, 00:12
yep.. have it all the time.. and have to ignore it inbetween my missed heartbeats.. I also had this morning a vein or muscle that wouldn't seem to stop twitching behind my head..its weird cause its the side that i feel my heartbeat on everynight raising my head up and down..Just do whatever it takes to ignore it..I have had every sensation known to man with head .. i had a shaking of head.. had crawling sensation in and out.. had weird lighting headaches.. shocks.. crooks kinks and im telling you over 30 years . if you could name it i have had it for a day..a week sometimes weeks..and every now and then years off and on..geez talk about a freak thing. I went to the philppines last year ..on part of the flight 14 hour flight..just one section of the flight ..we were descending and the front of my head felt as though a vice was crushing it.. really really bad.. never had anything like this before and was on the ground at the airport and suffered for several hours and then had to get on another flight. .started again and then subsided..Well never have had this again until the other night.I was talking to my son and outside in the cold and all of a sudden wham.. there it was..the very same..I thought to myself how could that be? We arent on a flight but our house is over 8400 ft high so well that could be it coupled with the cold ..and so found out its called vaccum headache.. caused by cold ,and blockage of the sinuses.. so usually there is a cause for everything we have but its generally caused my muscle tension or stress and whats weird the more i read about stress the more i find that most illness no matter what the majority of them are caused by stress related .. so guess if we all stop worrying and ignore feelings they will go away..I know its hard to ignore but try to keep busy and think of anything else and it will subside ..I know this been there done that .. take care..Michael