View Full Version : Worse headache ever really scared

20-02-14, 00:50
For the last 20 mins I've had a horrible headache, it make me shake
And feel sick I've been diagnosed with concussion went back to the hospital today as headaches aren't easing at all and they said I have post concussion syndrome, I'm so scared that with the headache I've got it something worse, it started in my neck and has now move up to my forehead and temples, it may be a tenaion headache but it's the worst one I've ever had! I no the dr said I would b in pain because I've got whiplash too :-( feeling scared x

20-02-14, 02:55
Were you given any medication for the pain? I've had whiplash, it is not fun. I did a lot of icing on my shoulders and neck at the recommendation of my doctor but I don't want to give you medical advice.

20-02-14, 09:39
Yeh I was given codeine, have only had 2 hours sleep as I was so scarred I wouldn't wake up I must have eventually dropped but feel worse for it this morning. I've got the dr calling me back this morning just to check

20-02-14, 09:55
Well it's good to hear it's nothing serious, 2 hours sleep is better than none :), I'm confident the check up will go okay :)

20-02-14, 13:14
Thanks Greggs92, yeh went fine dr suggested CBT counselling which I have already got an appointment in March