View Full Version : stil scared need help

19-02-14, 15:56
Posted a week ago diagnosed a year ago gastritis on Omeprazole threw up clear stuff last week felt off for a.week mouth tastes awful tongue a bit coated appetite rubbish lost 3lbs in weight scared stiff of stomach cancer pls.someone.advise frightened thanks:weep:

19-02-14, 16:01
Hi tracieann, as far as I remember you've had lots of tests for why you're feeling bad, is that right? What have your doctors said to you?

Have you been keeping an eye on your diet? It plays a big part in gastritis. And of course stress is a major factor in this illness too.

19-02-14, 16:17
Thanks for your reply honey love yeah I've had tests last one endoscopy 2012 my mouth tastes awful appetite is crap and I'm coming off anti depressants after 8 years but I still get scared it's stomach cancer that has developed from gastritis and duodenitis how can you still have big flare ups while on ppis drs said to up Omeprazole to.40mg if I need to but I'm scared it can mask cancer bloods done recently fine I think

19-02-14, 16:25
It really sounds like you need help tackling your anxiety, there's a lot of worry in your mind about your health and it's not doing you any good. Have you talked to your doctor about it, or tried CBT?

Sometimes a bigger dose of omeprazole is needed. I'm currently on 40mg a day as 20mg was not making me feel good. I take 20mg in the morning, and 20mg in the evening and that really seems to help. It will still get worse if I eat things that are too acidic like tomatoes or fizzy drinks.

You have to look at what makes the most logical sense first, especially since you've had a lot of tests done and got good results.

19-02-14, 17:56
It's so helpful to know you are on ppis . And that you have tried 20mg may I ask your med problem it's so much easier when you have experience did your mouth taste awful did you have a rubbish appetite I think this could be a 50/50 thing part anxiety and stomach thing I have had cbt but still have cancer phobia and emetophobia it's a horrible thing please keep advising thank you honeylove

20-02-14, 08:00
Well gave in and took another 20mg of Omeprazole as Dr requested didn't seem to help much still feel awful mouth still tastes bad and felt sicker than ever I'm scared now it's something really bad please help

20-02-14, 09:05
tracieann, it takes at least 2 weeks for omeprazole to start working properly and up to 2 months for it to really kick in. It won't work instantly like an antacid, so don't expect results in the first couple of days that you start taking the extra dose.

You also have to make sure you take it around the same time every day, and take it on an empty stomach. I tend to take mine about 20 mins before breakfast and dinner then in the evening.

Yes I had a bad taste in my mouth, and it still happens sometimes. It comes from the acid reflux. And yes, I too felt really sick when it was bad, my appetite was terrible and every morning I felt like throwing up.

The omeprazole and watching my diet has helped a lot. I also took a teaspoon of high strength manuka honey and 10mls of aloe vera juice in the mornings before breakfast.

You should do a bit of research on how to treat gastritis yourself - I don't mean reading horror stories about cancer or worst case scenarios, but educate yourself on how you can help yourself. It will help you feel a lot better.

You should go back to your CBT therapist to talk to them about the cancer phobia and health anxiety, you really need to do something about it as worrying like this will only make your gastritis and health worse - stress is a huge factor in all of this, if you want to feel better you need to do something about it.

20-02-14, 10:29
Thanks honeylove for your advice on Omeprazole and gastritis I am seeing a psychotherapist and we are addressing my cancer phobia this week .I got really bad when I lost my Mum to lung cancer along time ago .last year I lost mum in law to same now I have dad with leukaemia and father in law having tests for bowel cancer and I'm coming off antidepressants so I guess stress may play a fairly big part

20-02-14, 10:54
I'm sorry to hear about so many losses in your life, that will definitely have a big effect on you. It's good that you're addressing everything with a psychotherapist, that will do you so much good.

You could also Google stress management and have a look at the different types of things you can do in your daily life to help yourself. Along with the therapy you'll be really improving your mental state :)

21-02-14, 13:14
Started with flu this morn aching sore running cold feel.awful.don't want to.eat,still on 40mg Omeprazole feel shocking that this has appeared now darent cough in case I'm sick I'm scared I'm never gonna be o.k.

21-02-14, 15:17
Sorry you're feeling unwell today tracieann, I hope the cold passes quickly.

You really need to start managing your anxiety. Talk about the health anxiety with your therapist.

And have a read here, there's plenty of helpful information about managing stress:


21-02-14, 16:18
Just been to drs was red hot temp nearly passed out very dizzy and anxious think I fell asleep or fainted Dr said go home take paracetamol a.d rest so im trying my poor hubby has to put up again awww feel appalling