View Full Version : bump on side of head

18-02-14, 06:12
so I was putting my hair behind my ear and I felt a hard bump on my scalp just above my ear and it kind of hurt and I told my parents and they think its just a pimple I had my sister look at and she said it looks a little red and she also thinks its probably a pimple,but I have had pimples before and this dose not feel like a pimple and it hurts when I touch it,I'm really scared of what it might be anyone else experience this before I'm 16 by the way... :weep:

18-02-14, 10:09
Hello Gilly, I'm the same age and I think everyone has what you describe. It's a normal node that can swell when your hairs irritated ect.

Your going to be fine :)

18-02-14, 10:18
so I was putting my hair behind my ear and I felt a hard bump on my scalp just above my ear and it kind of hurt and I told my parents and they think its just a pimple I had my sister look at and she said it looks a little red and she also thinks its probably a pimple,but I have had pimples before and this dose not feel like a pimple and it hurts when I touch it,I'm really scared of what it might be anyone else experience this before I'm 16 by the way... :weep:

Yes it's definitely a pimple, If it was the "thing" your thinking of, it wouldn't hurt when you touch it - it would just be a lump with no pain.

18-02-14, 23:36
but it dose hurt when I touch it...

18-02-14, 23:43
The fact that it hurts is a good thing Gilly :)

Is it directly above your ear?

I also just noticed this was your first post so welcome!

19-02-14, 06:12
yea its right above my ear Its not near my lymph node cause I read the the lymph node is at the lower part of the ear so I don't know what it could be its kind of feels like it went down a bit but I'm not really sure it kind hurts still :P
Yupp I'm a newbie to this site :)

19-02-14, 14:22
Are you by any chance still touching it? If so, try to stop--that's going to make it take longer to stop hurting and heal.