View Full Version : Love?

23-11-06, 01:22
Here is a poem that i just wrote and i felt like sharing with you all....please be honnest with what you think of it please.....

What Does It Take?

What does it take
To be the light in someones life?
The only one they ever want to be with
What does it take to find someone?
Someone that you would drop everything
Just to be with them
Even if for just a little while
How do you become someones dream come true?
The thing that they've been looking for all their life?
How do you become the person
That someone has always wanted?
Why is it so hard to tell someone
That they are all you have dreamed of
All you have ever wanted
And all you have ever wished for?

As the people who chat to me know that ive recently broken up with my partner Rachael and well this is about us this has came straight out of my heart onto paper as i feel like im dying without her ...but we could never get back together too much past between us.....

anyway gonna try and lay down now as its gettin late here...if i cant get to sleep you know ill be doing more poems and be thinking of her....

broken hearted kym says night night to all

hugs for you all


23-11-06, 12:25
Sorry to hear about the break up.

Is a really lovely poem.

Take care,

Love Pip's X


23-11-06, 19:21
Hi Kym,

Such a lovely poem. Also sorry to hear about the break up.

Take Care


Granny Primark
23-11-06, 19:42
Aww kym,

The poem is lovely. It saddens me to read cus i know your so heartbroken over the end to your relationship with rachel.
You will find that special person one day, its just at the moment they havent come along, but have faith cus im sure it will happen for you.

Take care

23-11-06, 22:52
((((((((((((((BIG HUG KYM))))))))))))))));):);)Sorry about your break up.Poem is lovely.

Ellen XX

Ma Larkin
24-11-06, 09:31
Hi Kym, that was straight from the heart. Sorry to hear about the break-up with Rachael, it's always harder when there is too much past between 2 people who seemed so in love at the time. I was in a similar relationship, my soulmate, the man of my dreams - we were together for 18 months before it all went pear-shaped from being totally perfect. Bizarrely we still get together and have been doing for the past 3 years. I'm just company to him and sex, I think, because he lives alone and things have gone wrong in his life recently, but I don't think I'll ever get over losing him or stop loving him. He doesn't know that I still feel like this, I put this big brave face on and treat him awfully sometimes, but even though we have a past and we both did some pretty rotten things, I'd have him back tomorrow like a shot. Time is a healer Kym, I used to hate it when people said that to me, did some pretty stupid things including an overdose after we split, but those words are so true. Now I don't think about him 24/7. I thought I knew him inside out, but I obviously didn't at the time, but I do now! You have to be strong Kym and always remember that these things happen for a reason. I couldn't believe it when me and Stevie split up because I was so happy and thought he was too, but I did give him that extra push to leave me, not trusting etc., when I should have trusted him with my life. I didn't know that at the time, but having that time alone to analyse what I did to him, what I said to him, I made myself look like a right bunny boiler!! He wanted me for me, but I tried to change myself to make him want me even more, but all I did was smother him. I do feel better now, but it's taken me a long time and I'm sure you will feel better eventually. Life goes on as they say, we have to make the most of the time we have and now I live my life to the full and you can do it too.

Keep up with the poems, you have a real talent there.

Take care.

Les, xx

24-11-06, 16:32
Hi kym

Your poem touched me and im sorry to hear about your break up.
Have a think about something which I read in a book called Empowering Women by Louise L. Hay as I find it helps me as Im going through something similar to you. Its about learning to love ourselves and moving on.

Say to yourself "I am someone, and I love myself truely and deeply. I now choose to eliminate from my mind and life negative, destructive and fearful thoughts. I stand up on my own two feet and support myself. I give myself what I need. It is safe for me to grow. I am worthy of love and respect. I am free to be all that I can be. I accept my gift of this alone time. I am safe and all is well in my world."

In time you will heal and learn from this experience. Until then take care of yourself.


........life is for living not just for surviving

24-11-06, 17:35
Hi Kym.

Lovely poem, nearly made me cry! You have such a talent for writing poems, you are very good at it. Well done you and sorry about the break up.

x x

24-11-06, 17:46
:( I can feel your pain from here.

Wise words from Darkangel there - it's important to work on our self-esteem during these times. Grieving is all part of the natural process but we musn't lose sight of how valuable we also are along the way.

I think if you can recognize how much you still have to offer as a person you can grieve for the end of a relationship in a more healthy way.

I loved your poem - it would make a beautiful song!

You keep writing them hun.

Love Piglet xx

10-03-07, 23:01
I love what you wrote there Kym it's lovely..I understand yo're back together now though which is great. Thanks for sharing that with us.