View Full Version : Feeling of blocked ears and heartbeat

14-02-14, 18:45
For the past week my ears feel blocked and keep having to pop them. Also I feel like heart is going fast and I can hear my heart beat in my ears. I had my bp checked two weeks ago 24hr monitor and on average it was OK.

Now worried I am going to have a heart attack or stroke :weep:

14-02-14, 20:27
I often get this. You have an artery running close to your ear and can sometimes hear it. (You can feel your pulse there) The more anxious you are the faster the blood pumps round so the more you will hear it. It is not harmful at all.

17-02-14, 11:45
Its driving me nuts! I am trying not to focus on it

17-02-14, 12:13
Not focusing on it is the key. When that happens to me and I start to feel a surge of anxiety, I calmly sit down and write I'm feeling, if that's possible. If I can't write, I think about it. I then try to pick out the irrational thought and replace it with a rational one. using techniques of CBT on situations like this helps me tremendously. There is a free CBT course online that is quite good. Hope some of this helps.

17-02-14, 13:10
hi youve become hyper vigilent to things that wouldnt have bothered you before

youll be fine and anxiety makes me have a fullness feeling in my ears