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23-01-14, 18:28
Hi I am new to this forum - I have been suffering with depression and anxiety since July 2013 and have been off sick from work since then. I lost my sister to cancer in Feb of last year... On valentines day and my Dads 80th birthday :weep:.
My Dad was in hospital when this happened recovering from surgery for bowel cancer.
Following this my lovely partner ditched me in the July and that is when I totally crashed. I have been on four Different meds without much luck. In fact cipralex caused me to have an awful time. I am now back on mirtazipine but am still having anxiety and feel very fragile. I really want to go back to work but know I am still too fragile! Would love advice from anyone about how I will know when I'm ready to go back. My job is very stressful so I need to have some resilience in order to cope. I have really been through the mangle over the past few months :-(

23-01-14, 19:11
Hello and welcome im sorry to hear you have had such a bad time ,I was off work for five months sick my only advice would be make sure your feeling well ,please dont rush back work talk to your gp see what he says ,remember you are more important good luck x

23-01-14, 21:56
Thanks for your advice :yesyes: Did you know that you were ready to go back to work? I have read a lot about resting the nervous system for recovery. I am not 100% sure how thus is achieved?

23-01-14, 22:16
[QUOTE=hellfire1;1269401]Thanks for your advice :yesyes: Did you know that you were ready to go back to work? I have read a lot about resting the nervous system for recovery. I am not 100% sure how thus is achieved?

You need to keep reading this helped me ,because knowledge is power the more you understand anxiety the better you will feel ,also make time for total rexalation listen to some music ,I always keep my mind busy aswell stops all my negavtive thought ,good luck stay positive xx

23-01-14, 22:24
Thank you xx