View Full Version : Terrified of getting schizopphrenia

12-01-14, 11:00
Hi everyone
One of my anxious thoughts for a while has been a terrible fear of hearing voices. I did stop worrying about this for quite a while until today I read an article that said high anxiety as a teenager can lead to development of schizophrenia and now I am absolutely terrified as I am 16. Its like I am sitting hear waiting to hear voices and I sometimes I make myself think things then panic its voices etc etc I wish I had never read that article cause now I am absolutely petrified please help

12-01-14, 14:15
I have this fear aswell! But what is the point in letting the fear of something you cant control take over! Schizophrenia just like any other illness has a possibility of happening even though that possibility is EXTREMELY small! If you where to develop any illness its introduction can not be stopped and worrying about it will do nothing to help! It will just make perfectly ok days ones full of worry! People every day face illness and think of the worst that can happen! Schizophrenia is treatable! You will be perfectly fine I am sure it is just the anxiety taking over! We cannot change the future but we can change the present xx

12-01-14, 15:31
Why are you worried about another mental illness (schizophrenia) when you already have one (anxiety) ? :D If you (god forbid) had pneumonia, would you worry about curing that or would you worry about cancer that can grow in your toes? Think about it ;)

12-01-14, 15:36
You have anxiety and it doesn't lead to schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is usually genetic.

If you're worrying yourself sick I'd go and speak to your GP. That way your mind is put at rest and you can move on.