View Full Version : feeling sorry for myself looking for some kind words :)

18-12-13, 15:15
Yes I know this thread is a bit naughty, but I'm looking for some kind words until my appointment tommorow.

I am feeling terrible, I think I have a sinus infection (could have had it possibly for months). Today it's got so much worse and I:m worried about the possible complications.

Apparently they're 'relatively rare' which just isn't rare enough for my liking! I just want to curl up and cry but that would just be pointless lol.

18-12-13, 15:20
sinus infection ? nothing to worry about. relax and take a nice hot bath

18-12-13, 15:24
What's to worry about? Stuffy nose, headache, pretty colored snot and green boogers? ;)
Nothing a round of antibiotics can't handle.

Positive thoughts

18-12-13, 15:26
Because somehow I ended up reading that if left untreated you could die! I know I'm naughty for reading up but I actually didn't think you could die from one, so I didn't expect to read that!

Thankyou both :-)

18-12-13, 15:28
you wont die :-)

Take your mind off it , watch something u like on telly with a nice wooly dressing gown on

18-12-13, 15:37
I die of manflu every year dont worry about it
seriously Roxy you havent got anything sinister stop worrying

18-12-13, 15:40
I suffer from sinus infections a lot, seem to get one after the other. Expecting another now as I have a terrible cold. I haven't died yet though :)

18-12-13, 15:49
Aw thank you all :) starting to feel better now :-)

I was doing okay til I had a really bad headache and felt dizzy in the middle of co-op! My headache is still bad and I just don't feel 'right' I have pain in my eyes too just trying not to freak too much!

18-12-13, 15:52
Aw thank you all :) starting to feel better now :-)

I was doing okay til I had a really bad headache and felt dizzy in the middle of co-op! My headache is still bad and I just don't feel 'right' I have pain in my eyes too just trying not to freak too much!
eat some doughnuts that always makes me feel better :D

18-12-13, 16:01
eat some doughnuts that always makes me feel better :D

In my best Homer Simpson voice ... "Mmmmm Donuts"


Positive thoughts

18-12-13, 16:03
Try alternative hot wheat bag (or hot water bottle) and ice packs. 10 mins each on your head or across your nose. It usually helps mine.

18-12-13, 16:43
Aw I just eat my way through a whole bag of them right now! And think I may just do that lol!

---------- Post added at 16:43 ---------- Previous post was at 16:04 ----------

OK pregnant woman has donuts the world is right again!:)