View Full Version : bleeding from nipple - really worried

15-12-13, 19:44
Hi there, i currently breastfeed my 5 month old son but im down to.only feeding him 2-3 times a day. I fed him just now and when i took him off ge had blood on his cheek and i.looked down and there was blood coming from my nipple. Im terrified now its something serious, my nipple is very sore now. Has anyone had this before? Could it be breast cancer?

Please reply
love louise xxx

16-12-13, 04:54
Hi there Louise :)

This sounds like a cracked nipple to me hun. When we're breastfeeding our nipples don't half go through the mill !........they often get a little cracked and those cracks can bleed, especially during feeding.

If your nipple is feeling sore, I would guess that you have a crack in that nipple.

Have you tried any of the nipple creams for breastfeeding Mums hun? They may prove helpful, as they act as a barrier which will help your nipple heal.

You could always pop along to your local chemist and have a quiet word with them and see what they can recommend, or give your surgery a ring and see what they can give you to help hun. :hugs: