View Full Version : back pain worried about pancreatic cancer

08-12-13, 19:26
I haven't posted on here for a long time which is surprising because I had major surgery last year to remove a fibroid for which there were complications during surgery and then in May I lost my mum to cancer.
I came off antidepressant meds at the start of the year.
About a month ago I developed low back ache, more like a period pain than anything muscular. I went to gp and she sent me for an ultrasound because of surgery I had last year. Ovaries, womb etc all looked ok, so back to GP. This one did a rectal exam and prescribed anti-inflmatory meds and requested a full blood count.
Still no better and this week have also developed an indigestion type pain in my upper back which has completely freaked me out as my mum passed away in may from pancreatic cancer. Went to GP on Friday and he said I should have an mri on lower back to rule out sacroillitis? I mentioned pancreatic cancer and he said it was in the wrong place but then when I said I also had pain in upper back he said I should have the blood test ca 19 or something. I had it on Friday.
This weekend has been awful and I just cant stop worrying about pancreatic cancer. I am 48 and have 2 kids. My mum only lasted a year after diagnosis. I have coped well in the last year with so much, but this is really frightening me.
Anyone have any words of wisdom?

12-12-13, 13:35
HI. I'm a new member but feel I have to respond to your post as we have alot in common. My dad died of pancreatic cancer and ever since (7 years ago) I have obsessed about it and convinced myself I will go the same way. At the moment I am going through a "logical" period in this journey (i.e. a woman in her 40s who has never smoked is more likely to be hit by a bus) but I know it will only take a twinge or seeing something on TV about pancan to set me off for another week or so. I think our fear stems from three things: it is such a deadly disease, one of the worst cancers to get and we have lost a parent to it plus there are children involved (mine are 11 and 14) and we fear for them. Not only have you been bereaved but also had major surgery so you've had a c**p time of it. You haven't got pan can but if you are going through a particularly awful time, you won't believe anyone - I know, I've been there. I really really feel some bereavement counselling may help - it has taken the edge off my fears and enabled me to function most of the time. Take care xx