View Full Version : I'm panicking any advice please?!

07-12-13, 09:46
Hi everyone
I went to the doctors on Tuesday for a fasting blood test...I don't know if I'm the only one , but ever since I've been on tender hooks every time the phone has rang!!!! I did a 13 hour shift yesterday and didn't get home till 22:00 .... I went through my home phones caller display and there was a 'withheld' number at 17:25 .... I'm now panicking that it was from the surgery as when they ring it's always withheld!!!!! But no answer phone message was left and they didn't ring my mobile! If it was the surgery would they leave a message or would they contact my mobile if it was them that rang? I wish I hadn't looked through the caller display I'm an absolute wreck now and will be all weekend !!!!!! Xxxx

07-12-13, 12:46
It was almost certainly just someone trying to sell you loft insulation or assist you with a PPI claim against your bank - sales calls are almost always number withheld.

5.25pm is an odd time for the doctor's surgery to be ringing you and, even if it was them, if it was urgent, they would have kept trying and/or tried your mobile until they got through to you or left a message. If they thought there was something dangerously wrong with you, they wouldn't have left it until Monday!

I know it's easier said than done, but try to relax.

07-12-13, 12:55
If it was your GP they would have left a message for you to call back. Believe me if there was an urgency they would have continued to try and contact you. So just remember
They haven't contacted you so all is well.

07-12-13, 14:48
Thank you so much for your replies!:blush:I'm so spiralling at the moment with this HA ..... I'm driving everyone around me crazy at the moment:0(( I've had HA for 11 years but lately it's become even worse ..... Thank you again for yr help ...it really does mean a lot xxx

07-12-13, 15:48
Any urgent blood test results that can not be dealt with in-hours by a GP are phoned through to the out of hours Dr's service. So, if very urgent and your GP couldn't get hold of you last evening, they would have left it to the out of hours Dr's to keep trying. Relax if you can x

07-12-13, 17:26
The others are right.... and here... check out #17 ;)


Positive thoughts