View Full Version : Terrified I am developing Schizophrenia

25-11-13, 15:53
I'm 20 and for the past two weeks I have experienced a loss of appetite, sleep disturbance and anxiety. All of this has been very sudden and I'm terrified I'm in the pre-psychotic stage of Schizophrenia. My mum tells me and I have read lots of times online that if you fear Schizophrenia then you're unlikely to have it but then on other websites I've read that people who have the early signs of Psychosis/Schizophrenia still have their insight intact and often know something is not right. Loss of appetite, sleep disturbance and anxiety are some of the main symptoms of the pre-psychotic phase of Schizophrenia which is why I'm so worried. The fact that I'm 20 which is the prime age of onset further convinces (and petrifies me) that this is what's wrong.

I have suffered with low-level anxiety and OCD but they have never been so severe that they affect my appetite, concentration and everyday life the way things have been the past fortnight. The sheer suddenness of this has taken me completely by surprise.

The weekend before this started I was quite upset as I had been informed my applications for two jobs I really wanted were unsuccessful on the same day so I spent most of the weekend feeling dejected and lying in bed.

My question is, can anxiety suddenly escalate like this virtually overnight (the trigger being the job rejections) or do you think I'm right to be concerned about developing Schizophrenia? I'm aware it's not unusual for those suffering with anxiety to be convinced they're "going crazy" and if it were the anxiety alone driving my fear of Schizophrenia I would probably not be so worried but as I said, it's the sudden loss of appetite, sleep disturbance as well as my age that is making me really freak out about this.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated. :weep:

25-11-13, 15:58
Hi LondonGirl yes anxiety can manifest overnight or seem to but there is usually an build up to it.I can assure you ,you are wrong about you developing schizophrenia ,it sounds like you are very anxious and this can give you all the symptoms you have posted about.
Try and head off your anxiety and you can then start a recovery plan

25-11-13, 16:23
Thank you very much for your response, MrAndy.

I'm waiting to see my usual GP but the soonest appointment I could get is Friday. When I last went to the GP I was given a week's worth of Diazepam but I haven't collected my prescription as I'm worried it will make my symptoms worse or I will become dependent on it. I know I need to do something soon though whether it's starting on medication or CBT as the last few weeks have been hell.

25-11-13, 16:30
Thank you very much for your response, MrAndy.

I'm waiting to see my usual GP but the soonest appointment I could get is Friday. When I last went to the GP I was given a week's worth of Diazepam but I haven't collected my prescription as I'm worried it will make my symptoms worse or I will become dependent on it. I know I need to do something soon though whether it's starting on medication or CBT as the last few weeks have been hell.
keep your chin up ,you are doing the right thing and discussing with your doc.Time is a big healer imho but dont be afraid of taking meds and getting counselling.
Take care :hugs: