View Full Version : please help

21-11-13, 23:42
Can someone please help me im so scared. My anxiety through the roof as today I felt a pain under my arm and I can feelma very small gland that s a bit sore when I touch it I was ok but then just read that a lump under ur arm can be breast cancer oh my god can anyone help me with this im so very scared


21-11-13, 23:49
Hi LisaLisa,

Sorry to hear your having such a hard time at the moment. Try not to worry about this pain you have felt under your arm. Glands swell up and get sore in everyone now and then and its usually nothing at all to worry about. It will most probably settle down over the next few days. Infact I have some swollen tender glans myself at the moment, but I know they are usually nothing to worry about, may just be a slight infection or something. Swollen glands come and go in people all the time. If you are really worried and its still sore in a couple of weeks you can always check with your doctor just to get some reassurance.

Anyway I hope you start to feel better soon :)