View Full Version : Anxiety causing sleep paralysis Demons Help?

18-11-13, 01:18
i asked a few questions to the people i saw ur helpful answers
this is regarding sleep not anxiety
since i was 9 i had mild paralysis
i couldn't move for about 5 seconds average
but today in the morning i had a dream
it was a teacher telling us stuff''
he said u will hear the devil
after that the dream stopped
my eyes were dark and closed
IT was floating it felt like i was experiencing Drug visions
than i heard a demonic voice saying ''HAHHHA HAHHHHHAAA''
i felt a Very tight chest
i couldn't breathe my mum said i was making noises trying to escape
but i couldn't
im scared this is a sign of worse episodes to come

18-11-13, 01:31
that sounds verry distressing, do you sleep alone? or with girlfriend etc

18-11-13, 08:18
3 posts noob

18-11-13, 17:23
You're a troll aren't you Peter? :shrug:

18-11-13, 17:35
Are you seeing a psychiatrist, psychologist or counsellor?

20-11-13, 22:26
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I really feel for you on this, :hugs: my heart goes out to you. I know full well how frightening this can be.

I have had sleep paralysis, oh boy, when it first happened I was terrified ( will not go into detail, may contain triggers)

When we sleep our body has a natural Mmm hormone which kicks in to stop us moving about, our mind has a certain routine it does when we go to sleep and when we wake up, but when acute with anxiety OR under a lot of stress, the routine of shutdown or wake-up goes haywire.

We can, wake up but feel unable to move, in this state, we can still be dreaming and the dream can feel like reality, although very frightening, this will NOT harm us.

It sounds to me the way you have explained it, that you where dreaming, having a nightmare and the voices you heard where in your dreams and anything else you felt was a dream, but for you :hugs: it felt reality.

You said your mum could hear you making noises. I have done this many, many times. I myself still get this from time to time, Mmm can;t remember the last time, it was when I was under a lot of stress. I do know now when I am dreaming and I do try and tell hubby to wake me up, but all that comes out is a silly sound, but hubby does wake me up Oh bless him:yesyes: because I have told him too.

I know its scary but try and reassure yourself its ONLY a dream and dreams are our imagination, ooohhh blimey, I have a very good imagination me LOL:roflmao: I used to be able to frighten the life out myself.

**im scared this is a sign of worse episodes to come ***

Oh hun, PLEASE don't think this, by thinking this way your only going to fuel your anxiety even more. Dreams are harmless,


Sweet dreams