View Full Version : Tightness & pain in centre of chest

15-11-13, 17:53
Ok, now I know lots of people have posted similar, but I just need a little help here. As always, I worry more at the weekend, as the doctors is closed, and my hubby is away too.

My chest so tight in the centre, right between my breasts, it's really painful. So, though I am breathing from the abdomen as much as possible, it's really scary.

I'm now at the what ifs stage. I've had this pain for over a week in a greater or lesser amount, it's stopping me sleeping. I tell myself I'm still alive so obviously it's not a heart attack. Then my darker side says, yet but this time it could be! Then I start to feel even worse. I am not short of breath, or suffering any other pain, except at my ribs on and off towards my sides.

I am aware that female heart attack symptoms are different to male, and that women don't always recognise their symptoms as a heart attack. So I wonder what if I'm one of those and I should go to the doctor?? I don't like what ifs, and really would like to be among friends. :weep:

15-11-13, 18:15
Lisa it could be lots of things, none of which are deadly. Anxiety, pulled muscles, tiredness, a minor chest infection etc. Try not to worry and, if you're really concerned, call your doctor or 111 and speak to a health advisor. I'm sure you're fine :hugs:

15-11-13, 20:20
Thanks Andria, it does come and go. Whenever it goes I think, there you go, it's fine. But now I'm sat wanting to clutch my chest, and wondering about seeing a doc. Have a feeling I might take some diazepam tonight. It's rare I need to, usually only for dentist appt. but I hurt so much and had so little sleep last night.... Whenever it starts up, I feel panicky.

Lack of sleep makes it worse, and then I panic more. I can't help thinking that it could really be something bad. If it was leading to heart attack, would the pain be more constant?

Sometimes it's in the centre, and sometimes down towards the outside of my breast (sorry if that's tmi) kind of in line with my armpit. I don't like that feeling either. Sometimes I tell myself it's good because that means not a heart attack, but other times the pain just scares me. Thank you so much for your reply. It's just good not to feel alone.

My 15yr Daughter is sat here in her room, so I'm trying to act normal so I don't worry her too.

16-11-13, 02:18
Lisa I would see a doctor if I was bothered by something. Seeing one isn't the same as the clanging chimes of doom - usually it's mind easing and reassuring. Or call 111 for advice. You'll be fine and probably wish you'd done it before now. Hopefully you're now resting so here's hoping you're feeling a bit better the now :)

16-11-13, 09:19
I actually had some sleep last night, a couple of hours at a time with only a mild ache in my chest. I feel like a different person this morning. I still have the tightness in my chest, but not so much, and getting some sleep has made a big difference.

I will make an appointment with the doctor, just to get checked out. With my weight and age it will reassure me. My sister and dad both have heart issues, so it seems like a good idea.

Thank you again for messaging me. I feel like I'm being a real pain, with these irrational fears. They just seem so scary and real at the time. A little sleep, a little less pain and a little perspective help so much. Sometimes even when you know it's irrational, it's still scary and that perspective has to come from outside. Thank you.