View Full Version : can anxiety really do this much?

08-11-13, 21:49
I get crunching heart pains , really severe ones not in the midst of panic or hyperventilation , just random , I think one of my arteries is blocked or something because I just get this pain that comes and goes , today I was even getting neck pain along with it aswell, I don't even feel panicked anymore , it's literally just heart pain that seems very similar to unstable angina. Can anyone help ?

08-11-13, 22:05
Did you read my reply on your other thread about this?

08-11-13, 22:54
oh yeah I did , I just doubt that it's anxiety related sometimes and hope that some1 can share their opinions, I can't seem to find an answer as I'm not willing to accept it's panic / anxiety related. I'm just hoping someone could offer an explanation, I just hate this. I just know I'm gonna have a heart attack and die soon. nobody believes me either

08-11-13, 23:02
oh yeah I did , I just doubt that it's anxiety related sometimes and hope that some1 can share their opinions, I can't seem to find an answer as I'm not willing to accept it's panic / anxiety related. I'm just hoping someone could offer an explanation, I just hate this. I just know I'm gonna have a heart attack and die soon. nobody believes me either

You're asking for opinions on a panic/anxiety forum but you doubt it's panic/anxiety? What opinions do you expect to get?

08-11-13, 23:09
I offered an explanation but you are unwilling to accept it so what do we do from here?

08-11-13, 23:25
Yeah sorry about that, Its because the doctors have told me it's panic anxiety and I'm trying to compare people's anxiety to mine to see if it matches which would then give me a peace of mind. it's like I'm caught in the middle , the doctors are pointing me to anxiety and other people are saying maybe u do have something wrong.

08-11-13, 23:30
Ok Who is saying maybe you do have something wrong? Are they medically trained or are these people you find on Google searches?

It is not likely at your age to have angina really.

You have to work on the anxiety and if that gets under control the pains may go. Can you work on that at all?

08-11-13, 23:40
You're starting to sound a bit harsh guys. It's hard to completely accept these symptoms are anxiety related at first.

I think you need to book in for some CBT, ask your gp about it, once you learn the processes going on during a panic attack you will begin to learn why they make you feel so bad. Trust the doctors, I know it's hard, and you may have nothing to compare it to so believe it's a real heart problem but they will find it on the ecg if you have a problem going on.

Also sounds silly but make sure you're sleeping and eating right, make sure you get a good nights sleep, sorry if I sound patronising but I get more palpitations when I don't sleep well, I know it's hard when you're constantly worrying.

Definitely ring your gp and ask for some CBT, I had it and would highly recommend it.

best wishes.

edit: also I would recommend the health anxiety sub forums: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=29

08-11-13, 23:52
Gina - you are not aware of the background and I appreciate that.

He has had an ECG and been told it is anxiety

That is an article on HA that is very good but not a sub-forum as such.

08-11-13, 23:54
Gina - you are not aware of the background and I appreciate that.

He has had an ECG and been told it is anxiety

That is an article on HA that is very good but not a sub-forum as such.

Sorry I meant to link to the actual forum, my mistake.

08-11-13, 23:57
Well it doesn't matter cos the article is very good as well.

We may sound harsh but we are not being harsh if that makes sense - we are trying to help.

09-11-13, 00:24
Thanks guys , il try work on the anxiety but I can't help but think my symptoms come first , il try to relax more.

09-11-13, 00:31
I am sorry if I came across as harsh - I just want to help

09-11-13, 00:45
I don't think what has been said is harsh, but it is sometimes hard to know how to give acceptable answers about symptoms which in all honesty are entirely related to high anxiety, particularly when the poster is adamant it isn't anxiety.

You are really caught between a rock and a hard place, as if you press the fact it is likely anxiety related it isn't accepted, but if you concur with the poster that is IS an actual health problem, you are possibly validating something that is simply not the case, so what do you say?

If you say 'yes, you are right, you have a health issue' no problem is solved as you are just heightening the person's anxiety.

kmmucluskey, you said you are really seeking other sufferer's experiences with these, or those who can relate, well I'm one of them.

I've had anxiety/panic/depression on and off for 10 years now. I've had your symptoms - crushing, thudding heart pains. neck pain, pain up my left arm, pain between my shoulder blades, exhaustion, actually fainted several times during panic attacks, you name it, I've had it. Like you, I have been convinced that I had a cardiac problem as I really could not believe that my symptoms were due to anxiety. I couldn't get around that kind of link from brain to body.

But it does happen, and I am certain that many other members would say the same.

I do find you last post very interesting when you say 'I''l try to work on the anxiety but I can't help but think my symptoms come first', as truth be told, I would lay money that your symptoms ARE your anxiety, so one in the same.

If you deal with the anxiety, the symptoms are being dealt with too.

I hope you find some peace soon.x

09-11-13, 10:07
Have you ever thought of GERD? That's what I have, and it literally mimics a heart attack. Its severe acid reflux. I was terrified when I first felt the chest pains. It would radiate to my arm and jaw. So I went to see a doctor and had stuff tested and it was indeed reflux. It comes in waves too. Maybe that's what your dealing with. Anyways, God bless. ♥

09-11-13, 10:08
Have you ever thought of GERD? That's what I have, and it literally mimics a heart attack. Its severe acid reflux. I was terrified when I first felt the chest pains. It would radiate to my arm and jaw. So I went to see a doctor and had stuff tested and it was indeed reflux. It comes in waves too. Maybe that's what your dealing with. Anyways, God bless. ♥

That's true, reflux can really hurt and in some scary places, never thought to mention that. It can also cause palpitations.

09-11-13, 14:16
That's true, reflux can really hurt and in some scary places, never thought to mention that. It can also cause palpitations.

That it can. I thought for SURE I had some kind of blockage, or that I was having a heart attack from the palpatations i felt. It can cause crushing pains that make you light headed and take your breath away. Its horrible... but that's just my two cents. :) The resolve maybe to the askers question is to stay away from acidic food, lemons, pop... um... tomatoes. Things like that. Anyways, :)