View Full Version : introducing myself and my giraffe :]

01-11-13, 20:19
Hello :]
I'm 26, British, I love my partner Will dearly, even more than bacon. However that is not the reason I am a psychiatric patient; I have severe anxiety disorder.So being pretty much confined to my house 24/7 I needed something to do, to write about it and to see if anyone out there has similar experiences.
Besides taking medication, my hobbies are anime, gaming on my pc, Terry Pratchett books, reading generally, trying to cook, drawing, eating biscuits, Warhammer gaming and painting, music, coffee and trying to have a social life from the sofa.
My family are wonderful, terrifying and really ****ing odd. As my Dad always says family stand by you, in times of trouble you wouldn't have if they were not your family.
I have no pets, unless you count my cuddly toys and a singular cactus. I have a small spherical giraffe plushie clipped to my bag at all times, his name is Tippy the adventure giraffe, and I will talk more about him later.
If there is anything else you want to know ask me, I will be as honest as I can.

02-11-13, 02:22
Hey there - welcome to NMP :welcome:

Lovely to meet you even if you are sat on your sofa at the moment :)

Daisy Sue
02-11-13, 08:55
Hi and welcome :) Really - you can't make toast? :D

02-11-13, 18:06
i can if i am stood over the toaster and watching it carefully lol its nice to meet you both :] x

02-11-13, 18:12
Hi :welcome:

02-11-13, 18:32
hi Annie :] nice to meet you x

02-11-13, 18:51
Hi there and a very warm :welcome: to NMP :D

I am a slowly recovering agoraphobic. I was completely housebound for 8 years, only just started to be able to go on short trips at the end of last year, so I kind of understand where you're at hun.

It sounds like you keep yourself busy with all of your different interests and hobbies, which is a good thing I think, I know that my hobbies help me loads :) :hugs:

02-11-13, 19:03
thanks moosie :] always feel better knowing that other people understand what I'm going through x