View Full Version : Rough 3 weeks - advice appreciated

30-10-13, 20:21
Hi everyone,

3 weeks ago I had alot to drink for my birthday, and long story short, I emotionally cracked by the end of the night, weeping and shaking out. The next day I was fine luckily.

So the following friday I had a few drinks and stupidly took 4 solpodiene to try get to sleep as a headache was already kicking in.

Just as I was about to drift off I woke so a slight twinge in my chest and jumped out of the bed in a full panic attack, convincing myself If I go to sleep I will never wake up again. This lasted for an hour roughly, felt like I was not part of reality at all. Eventually got to sleep, and was fine until the next evening.

After having some food I started feeling the hot flashes, being pulled out of reality, shaking, sweating , vomiting etc So I went to the hospital, explained all of the above to them, now I suffer with kidney stones so they tested my kidney function by taking bloods and took my heart rate. Everything came back fine so I was sent home as I had calmed down by then.

I went to my local doctor the following tuesday still suffering from panic attacks during the course of the day, and she proscribed me 10mg Inderal (Beta blockers) because my pulse was over 90.

Not 100% sure about this, but I am also on 20mg Prozac , once a day, but I cannot feel much. As in, the cold breeze, I can feel it hitting me, but not its sting, or feel the pain of being hungry, a dehydration headache.

Dont know if its because of a drug interaction or this was happening since my initial freak out the previous Friday because my mind was not focused as much then to notice.

Has anyone had this numbness after alot of panic attacks? or an interaction between both inderal and prozac ?

Any advice would be appreciated, as I had to leave work today on my second day back because it happened again :weep:



31-10-13, 23:24
Alcohol & medicines I WOULD NOT dare. I've had PA & the thought of drinking birthday or not worries me regarding its effect on my anxiety.

I think a mixture of drink , medication & symptoms of panic - all to blame.

Stay away from the booze:winks:

31-10-13, 23:40
Alcohol and a lack of sleep mixed with medicines so not good. You working a lot as well as going out of an evening too? That'l do it.

Booze can be a trigger for a panic attack.

11-11-13, 00:04
Hey thanks for your replies

Yeah with alcohol being a depressant I know it's not a good idea to be mixing. I have stopped since that night , and am now seeing a counsellor every week.

I'm still getting the , being pulled out of reality, feeling at least once a day but they aren't as bad.

It's still wrecking my head that my pain sensitivity has been lowered a lot since this all begin, like the painkillers I took that night haven't worn off if that makes sense ? I can pinch myself , know in my mind it hurts but I'm not getting the full sting of pain I used to .

Has anyone ever experienced that before ?