View Full Version : Propanolol and blushing

02-11-06, 20:25
Hi Guys

Can anyone tell me if propanolol will stop me from blusing - i saw my doc a while ago and told him i had the blushing thing again and he gave me these. because i am scared of meds i have not taken them yet but am very tempted. From what i can gather they are better for palpitations!

Any advice?


05-11-06, 13:24
Hi Michelle.

I don't know about propanolol, but I know I felt the same when I started my meds! My doc put me on seroxat, which I have heard so many bad things about. She said though that it can help anxiety and one patient told her she got her life back. So I thought I'd give it a go. I was worried about what they would do to me, and any side effects. Reading the leaflet was worrying in itself! lol

But I decided that I would give them a go, because the anxiety was having such a negative effect on my life and doc knows more about these things than I do. I have been on it now for couple of months and have no side effect, and I'm managing the anxiety much better! [8D] there are lots of things I can do now which would have been impossible before. Its still hard sometimes, but they help me be strong enough to give it a go. Then each time I do it becomes easier.

Sorry I don't know about the blushing, but I sympathise with worry about meds!


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

05-11-06, 22:25
Hi Lisa - Thanks for relying, you have helped. like i said i am scared of meds, mostly because of the side effects and also like you say because of the scare stories. I would love to give them a go just for a bit of relief (even though i do feel that i am recovering). can you tell me though if they make you feel zonked and detached from the world? as i have to work and this would be just awful for me!


06-11-06, 21:05
I have to be honest my brain felt a bit fuzzy for the first few days. But nothing I couldn't cope with. And it was familiar because I was on anti-depressants before and was expecting something like that. My doc said to take with food so its easier on your stomach. Don't know if your meds are the same though.

You may feel some changes (check with GP by phone), but this will be the pills treating the bit of you that needs it. I was at work when I started taking mine, but managed it ok. Nothing I couldn't handle. [8D] I was able to drive and work fine.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.