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19-10-13, 01:28
:):)Hi everyone, im excited about this site! I have suffered with panic attacks, ocd, anxiety, health anxiety, social phobia on and off since i was about 6 years old, My panic attacks come and go but i am more or less constantly anxious about something. I am 27 and live with my partner and 2 doggies :) my partner is amazing with everything but i came on here to meet people who understand properly, i dont see my friends anymore because we just dont have anything in common, what they find interesting dont appeal to me anymore. Hope to hear from u soon and meet new friends :D

19-10-13, 15:11
Hi :welcome: to the forum.

19-10-13, 15:46
Hi :)

I'm new too and have similar mental health problems as you. I am also looking to chat to people who understand what I go through on a daily basis.


19-10-13, 22:47
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

20-10-13, 02:22
:hugs:Thanks for the support guys, misscrimson kiss i,ve added you to my contacts, im new to this so not sure what that means but i hope to speak to you soon lol

20-10-13, 21:06
Hello key

I'm new to this aswell, I'm currently suffering from GAD, just came on in June after a very stressful time..

23-10-13, 01:09
jim1 i hope you start feeling better soon. do u take anything for your GAD?

23-10-13, 01:54
I'm new on here as well to posting anyway. My boyfriend and my dog are the best things in my life as well. :)