View Full Version : Bee's Honey: Most Potent Medicine

18-10-13, 16:31
Hi people. I have found a lot of information on bee's honey and will post it all here:

Honey is the most useful and practical medicine of all.
The most potent and versitile medical substance known to mankind. Capable of putting the hurt on nearly any ailment if applied correctly, when in a high purity concentrations.


Honey has so many potent chemicals within it, than 'modern science' hardly knows any of them or their properties yet. Available information results to probably 10% of what we should know by now.


HIV can mutate all it wants, but honey can still slow it down significantly and may be our best route for developing a cure.

http://www.academia.edu/2217260/Has_the_Natural_Raw_Honey_any_effect_on_HIV_Infect ion

Influenza and Coronavirus watch out!

Almost no virus known to mankind can withstand such dastardly chemical warfare tactics, and I actually don't know of one specifically yet. So if you find something link it and we can discuss the science behind it.


Flesh eating bacteria?
Super resistant bugs? Out for the count

"To date we are not aware of any honey-resistant bacteria, therefore manuka honey could help to overcome some of the problems associated with antimicrobial resistant strains of bacteria," she added. "Here's the breakdown of results:
Sidr honey was 63% effective in killing MSSA.
Sidr honey was 73% effective in killing MRSA.
Sidr honey was 91% effective in killing PA.
Manuka honey was 82% effective in killing MSSA.
Manuka honey was 63% effective in killing MRSA.
Manuka honey was 91% effective in killing PA."

"Exposure to manuka honey for 2 hours effectively destroyed 24-hour biofilms of S. pyogenes, causing significant cell death (85%) and removal of cells from the biofilm."

Wound infections? Dental infections? Knock them right out with a little gift from the bee.
Dental caries incidence is far less in studies and may even be hindered by honey replacement over other sugars, but we need more studies on this as the scientists claim.

Nearly every hospital in the world has access to MediHoney, which is just essentially honey that was irradiated. Which I find mostly unnecessary but I would like to see comparisons to know if it's any better. The fact almost no one knows about MediHoney and that no one knows it can defeat all of these "super bugs", is testament to the level of conspiracy we are dealing with here.

From what I can tell, the only known pathogens that can sneak past the Honey onslaught are those who reproduce with spores. This is very clever and sneaky and I suppose nature always finds a way.

Biological warfare? EbolaPox hybrids? Honey is your only real chance at defence, and in theory it should work if applied correctly (granted you have enough time).

Yes, most fungal infections you have may be slowed, reversed, and likely defeated by honey applications.

Beating Cancer:
Yes, honey possesses "moderate anti tumour and pronounced anti-metastatic effects", and can aid in inhibition of various types of cancers.

Honey use is a good alternative to other sugar sources, and it may even be the best route to treatment, however more research needs to be done here.


" clinical studies have shown that pure honey is a healthier choice in diabetic diet than table sugar and any other non-nutritive sweeteners such as Splenda, saccharin, aspartame? Honey requires lower levels of insulin compared to regular white sugar and does not raise blood sugar levels as rapidly as table sugar, that is, it has a lower Glycemic Index than sugar. "

Well i found a bunch of links and info about honey and thought it would be good to share it here. What prompted me to do this was reading the link on here about the benefits of bananas Here:
