View Full Version : scared of going crazy!

14-10-13, 23:08
Hi guys,

im currently so scared of this sudden surge in anxiety and slight depression & frustration sending me over the edge. im scared of getting Schizophrenia or ending up sat in some corner rocking talking to myself. I have been so so stressed recently and my body just can't take it. im fighting against it all and its wearing me out! i've read that a prolonged series of high stress and anxiety really can make someone have a mental breakdown, or develop schizophrenia. and i am absolutely terrified.

15-10-13, 00:26
Hi Kez,

Sorry that you are having a rough time right now....please be assured you will NOT go crazy, although I know when anxiety is high it certainly feels that way. I was feeling exactly this way a few weeks ago and it is very frightening, but you can come through the other side.

You also will NOT become schizophrenic. People who have schizophrenia to the most part don't know they are ill or have anything wrong at all, and do not question it. It is a different thing, but the spaced out feelings of anxiety make us think we will become mad, but we really won't. I had the same fears as you years ago, so I know how you feel.

I found this really excellent site recently. I'm not one for Googling, but I do when it comes to anxiety as it has squashed a lot of fears for me. Give this article a read, as I'm sure you will find it comforting:


I know that when your anxiety is off the scale it is really hard to think that you will be ok again, and not go over the edge of sanity, but I promise you that you won't go mad. The fact you are very much in touch with reality by being able to type your post and explain your feelings and fears means you are not, and will not go crazy.

There are some excellent relaxation techniques and videos on Youtube that I found hugely helpful when my anxiety was peaking 3 weeks ago. They really helped take the edge off the worst symptoms and thoughts.

Big hugs to you.x:hugs:

15-10-13, 02:45
I had the most awful vivid dream of losing my sanity the other week. I've never had a dream feel so real, I was afraid when I woke up that the dream was my actual reality and I was dreaming in that.

In the dream, I could feel my thought process changing, I lost my ability to rationalise and started wanting to hurt people. In the end of my dream they sectioned me, and peoples actions didn't match my understanding of them, as though I was acting one way, but people were seeing another. It was so real that it's difficult to put into words.

I guess fearing that loss of control is common

15-10-13, 11:43
I completely understand your fears. Firstly, you don't just get Schizophrenia, you either have it or you don't. If you have it you would know by now.

A fear of going crazy means you won't go crazy. When you have psychosis you cannot determine what is real and what is not, you behave oddly and you have no idea it is happening. If you're scared of going crazy or that you are crazy then it means you aren't and never will be.

And if you're talking to us on here then you are not having a mental breakdown :) you're doing fine.