View Full Version : Comes and goes

09-10-13, 01:21
just wondering if this is a pal/ectopic beat, yesterday I was lying down and my heart felt like it was pulling inwards for 2-3 seconds, I stood up and it went away, but the heart pulling was horrendous, it was almost like a crushing feeling and I was 100 percent convinced I would have a heart attack. it didn't feel like your stereotypical anxiety attack, that was the only symtpom that came, and I was in a good positive mood. It came straight out the blue. Could feel the organs tightening and fekt like they were being crushed . is this anxiety ? Or am in staring at a heart attack. makes me think death is approaching , any responses would be appreciated guys .

09-10-13, 18:23
I take it this is bad then

09-10-13, 18:28
you can get alsorts of strange symptoms because of anxiety. I get a pulling feeling in my chest its awful im sure its just anxiety ,but check with your gp if your worried :)

09-10-13, 20:55
Thanks Mrs stress, it made me worry because I was lying down and everything just tightened like my heart felt it was squeezing, and I get a heart thud /crunch sometimes. And today when I was walking about I felt so weird and heavy , I just didn't feel right , like I can't explain it , but felt like I was being crushed . I've been GP and hospital and they said there's nothing seriously wrong. but I do feel like I'm going to die. Like these feelings come and go , but my heart sensation and twinges make me think it's something to do with my heart. I feel my death is imminent and this isn't anxiety at all, any advice ?

09-10-13, 21:02
you have got to trust in your gp listen to what they are telling you ,until you rest your mind you will keep getting awful anxiety symptoms you need to be focusing on other things not what your bodies doing try and ignore it ,I no its hard because I suffer to lets hope we beat this dam anxiety aye :D