View Full Version : Greetings :)

07-10-13, 13:41
Hi there everybody...

I'm new to No More Panic but I must say I have browsed this site before and it has helped me many a time before. I joined today and have already browsed through a mountain of threads! (but don't ask me which ones as some days I cannot even remember what I did five mins ago lol)

I have quite a few issues and health problems but the main one that drew me here today is one that has plagued my life for the past 6 months and causing me to sink into a major pit of depression. :weep:

Ever since I was a baby I have suffered anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia (they all went away for a few years but came back with a vengance when my father passed in 2007) but the latest and most annoying..."THING" (cant think of a good enough word lol) is a terrible crippling fear of allergic reactions!! Food is the main one and I have such a limited diet now and it's driving me insane :\ I live on chicken, bread and nutrition drinks...whereas before I ate whatever I could (well what I could with my jaw problems...yes I have a books worth wrong with me LOL)

I read one thread and one of the answers was amazing!! I hope to get more calming and helpful answers...am a bit of a hypcondriac so have to be careful what I read as well...I just want to stop listening to me VERY stubborn brain and live again

Thanks for reading :) I look forward to meeting new people!! :)

07-10-13, 13:47
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :)

07-10-13, 13:50
Thank you Sparkle :) I shall be making my first post later but have a very mischievous 2 1/2 year old demolishing my living room lol :roflmao: