View Full Version : anxiety at home?

30-09-13, 17:52
Anyone else have anxiety while sitting at home with family? Been suffering for 2 weeks now did have good day Saturday but then bad night Sunday. Feeling sad and watching myself which I know is wrong thing. Know I can get through this just a bit of a trial at the moment:)

30-09-13, 19:01
I get it a lot when I'm at home and just tend to drift off into my own land and miss half the conversations taking place. It's an awful feeling been anxious in your own home and people thinking your ignoring them. I think i must be going mad sometimes cause I'm worrying about work and things really out of my control x

30-09-13, 19:33
Thanks Joe nice to know I'm not alone me its just worry about anxiety at home that causes it x

30-09-13, 20:45
I can be anxious anywhere, anytime!