View Full Version : Beta blockers not good for me!

29-09-13, 20:29
Well, after 7 days on the beta blockers I felt more horrendous every day to the point I had a huge anxiety attack. It consisted of the usual, started with the tight chest, pulsing left arm and then my longest ever 'impending doom' feeling of all time! 4 hours later and crying in front of my wife I eventually calmed down. Was told by the out of hours doctor that I could come off the beta blockers.

A cardiologist prescribed me them as I had caught palpitations on a heart monitor. When thinking about it logically I know what is happening to my body when they occur. All day I am anxious and have a tight stomach which causes an upset stomach and heartburn. I hyperventilating throughout the day causing more trapped gas. When I bend down my diaphragm can only be pushed upwards and the pressure causes the slow thud. My adrenaline then kicks in setting off the palps. Normally if my heart beat at 175 bpm whilst working hard on the rugby field I'd never notice, but because I'm so hyper sensitive to my body I notice every pinch, squeeze and pulse my body does, the anxiety amplifies everything. I am the cause of them.

My anxiety has no where to go except thoughts of my health. This I guess is a way to have a rant and it's almost like a journal. I thought I'd got rid of my anxiety 2 years ago when I stopped posting. I ignored the signs and it had come back and hit me for six.

For those who suffer from anxiety I absolutely empathise with you all. It's a truly horrendous thing but I know we can all beat it and hopeful no one will have to post again!

So how do we beat it? I understand anxiety but it's very difficult to get out of the viscous circle we put ourselves through. The comforting thing is... HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE ANXIETY AND NOTHING HAPPENS AS A RESULT?! How many panic attacks do we have and yet still we're all here posting? Even when typing this my chest is sore and yes I feel the uncertainty, but I really want to start living my life and do normal things again like driving to work or the shops or sitting in a meeting without gagging or being in a rush to get out of there.

I think medication has it's place and I will be asking my doc for the stuff that worked last time and had no side effects on me. But this time I'll learn how to control it...

Apologies for ranting or preaching... Just so fed up!

29-09-13, 21:57
Hiya Anxious M

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time. Anxiety, especially when not needed, is nasty. But the fact that you're acknowledging that the symptoms are in fact anxiety related is a good step. And you're absolutely right about the panic attacks and anxiety, nothing does happen! That's a point we must all remember.

When you see your doctor maybe ask him to refer you to counseling or CBT. Your anxiety seems quite indepth, like mine, and CBT is working wonders for me at this current moment. If you go to the Therapy section and then CBT you'll find a link to download CBT ebooks, audios and more. They are aimed at Panic Disorder but I find they are useful to understanding anxiety and panic, and as I'm currently half way through the second book, they do give you some great advice and tips on your thinking pattern and how to cope with the anxiety symptoms.

I hope this helps, take care