View Full Version : I paid for an adult bus pass but they sent me a child one by mistake

29-09-13, 13:26
Sorry to start yet another thread, but it seems like things just keep going wrong for me these past few days. :weep:

Every 3 months I have to renew my bus pass (which I use mainly for travelling to and from work). I always renew it online as it's easier. I've never had a problem before. However, this time round they sent me a child bus pass even though I paid for an adult one. It even says on the covering letter "adult bus pass" but the pass enclosed says "CHILD" in big bold letters.

I have to start using the new bus pass tomorrow as the old one has just expired, so now I'm worried I might get accused of fare avoidance for using a child pass even though I'm an adult. (In my area, you can use a child pass up until the age of 19, and once you turn 20 you have to use an adult pass. I am 29). If you are caught fare-avoiding there is an instant penalty of £50, according to signs I've seen on the buses.

I really wish I had checked the new pass as soon as I had received it but it is too late now. Even if I contacted customer services there is no way they would be able to send me a replacement in time for tomorrow morning. So what should I do? Should I use the new bus pass and take the covering letter with me just in case the driver questions me? Should I try and put my finger over the bit which says "child" and hope the driver doesn't see it until I can get a replacement? Some of the bus drivers around here are a bit grumpy or not very understanding, so I hope I won't have any problems.

29-09-13, 14:02
I'd explain to the bus driver, don't try and hide it and also have some cash to pay just in case. If you have to pay, keep the ticket and get reimbursed when you get the pass changed.


29-09-13, 16:45
Just pay the fayre till you get it replaced. Nothing to get stressed over.