View Full Version : People who don't understand but think they do

26-10-06, 22:16
This topic isn't about anybody on this website, everybody on here knows what Depression really is. I was just talking to a friend on MSN who believes, "depression is ur mind, u can overcome it" and thinks he was depressed when his girlfriend broke up with him. I haven't had a girlfriend since 6th grade, and I have far more worries and problems than he has, such as: many different health problems, mental illness, fear of death, severe anxiety attacks, going to a new school 600 miles from all of my friends and having few "friends" up here, etc. I know nobody wants to hear my life story, but [}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)] X1000!!!

26-10-06, 22:58
It is sooooo frustrating when people say "youve just got to get on with it and its all in your mind" because they have absolutely no idea what it feels like to be us!!!
Ive suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for 15 years on and off and people dont understand its a living hell.
The naughty side of me[}:)] wishes they could all have it just for one day and then see if they felt the same.
Youll never ever understand what its like if you havent been there and people need to have more compassion,thats what i say !!!!

Take care and keep smiling..Candie xx:D

27-10-06, 02:52
Poor cfury! My mother tries to tell me all the time its just another illness, not unlike having diabetes.(trying to tell me this isn't just in my mind and I'm not psycho for feeling like this) But, I still think you must have it to really understand it.

Chin up. Good luck with your new school.

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-U are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

27-10-06, 14:09
It is hard when people dont understand.I have a supportive family,but they dont really fully understand.I have someone at work who thinks like that,she thinks we should all just get on with it,pull our selves together.[}:)].
I wish they knew what it felt like:(

Ellen XX

27-10-06, 14:48
hi, i know exactly wot you mean. My boss said she knows all about depression cos her sister had it. wot she meant was she knew how her sister responded. if you havent had it, you cant know wot its like. grrrrrrr

27-10-06, 14:49
hi, i know exactly wot you mean. My boss said she knows all about depression cos her sister had it. wot she meant was she knew how her sister responded. if you havent had it, you cant know wot its like. grrrrrrr

kate H
27-10-06, 15:13
I agree with Candie, people need way more compasion it does my head in when people say "Oh i know how u feel" when clearly they dont. My boyfirend is one of those pull yourself together types and sometimes i just have to bite my tongue. If only he knew what it was really like!

Good luck in your new school I hope you find some good friends that u can confide in there

****You can never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them to fly in formation ****

27-10-06, 15:16
I'm lucky that way... I don't know people that think that way. My best friends are a shrink (no mine) and a nut. :D

27-10-06, 19:15
hi cfury

it is very difficult for non-sufferers to understand. My family are all supportive but they just want me to take that miracle pill - or just wake up one morning and feel better.

They are thinking from a different mind set tho. But i spoke to someone in my family recently who had suffered panic attacks and it was a revelation. he knew exactly what I was talking about and he has spoken to my husband to try and enable him to understand how i am feeling.

Be strong and good luck at your new school

Janie xxx

28-10-06, 17:20
I agree that some people who claim to understand say all the things they wouldn't say of they really understood, but in my experience, it is usually people just trying to empathise...

Bless 'em! :D

***And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance***

28-10-06, 18:50
it is annoying
i have a friend who says she understands but then says that someone else she knows has worse probglems than me and has more reason to be depressed
thing with depression is everyone reacts different to it and everyones problems are important to them


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