View Full Version : Numb/cold sensation in leg/bum/face.

12-09-13, 20:00
Hi All
My wisdom tooth is growing through, so I am putting this cold/numb feeling in my cheek down to that.
However, for a few months I get a numb/cold feeling in my left leg/bum. It's not totally numb but feels colder than my other leg.
It's not daily, but when I get it it lasts all day!!
I previously (2010) had a brain MRI which came back ok.
My question.......
Is this an MS sign? If MD gad started, would it have shown on a scan 3yrs ago?

12-09-13, 20:48
Hiya panicperson. No it.s not a sighn of ms. I used to think that.

13-09-13, 07:28
What is it then? I've woke up today with it too. Feels like a numb bum.
I get little tingles in shoulder blade too. All down left side. Strange x

13-09-13, 08:10
Hi there
I get this too. Left side bum and thigh. Sometimes feel it further down the leg. I know exactly what you mean about not totally numb but feels cold. I sometimes feel that im about to get pins and needles but it never quite makes it. I think it's a pinched nerve. A bit like sciatica but without the pain thank god. It can also affect the neck and shoulders from the same nerve.

Anxious lu
13-09-13, 09:48
I experience this too I have a recent post on it.. good describing a cold sensation I feared me our posts were like next to eachother lol .. okay it certainly is settling to know I am not the only one

13-09-13, 17:31
Thank you for your views!
I was stressing about motor neurone disease or MS.
It's strange isn't it..... It doesn't hurt, it's not totally numb and not quite pins and needles. It's just a 'feeling' that's not right.

13-09-13, 18:41
I have this sometimes too - I have so many sensations that just aren't right- I just worry about MS constantly - I have dizziness, floaters, skin sensations, heavy, numbness all of it and my doc still insists its all anxiety and my MRI at the beginning of the year was fine - I just don't get it - I wouldn't be anxious if I didn't have a million symptoms I just want life to go back to normal when I was fine! :( I am just feeling like its only a matter of time until I'm told I have it.

13-09-13, 19:22
Gee I totally understand you there. Although my mRI was July 2010 so I fear it's outdated!?!
I also get floaters but its constant!!! Sunny or raining I get them!

I just feel like something is wrong but doctors haven't worked out what!! I have this symptom along with a large lump under my arm which GP dismisses.
I just wish I was normal too :-(